“What makes the Green Garmento Green?
Not to get all soapboxy, but did you know, every year over 300 million pounds of single-use plastic drycleaning bags are dumped into our landfills?* And that’s just in The United States.
At least 15 Countries around the world have either banned or taxed single-use plastic bags, including parts of The United States.
Plastic bags are rarely recycled, they don’t completely break down in landfills, they kill marine and wildlife and can cause choking accidents and sometimes death in infants and toddlers. If left on drycleaned clothes, the plastic bags don’t “breathe” which can cause the chemicals to stay in your clothing which then leach into your skin.
The Green Garmento is made from a recyclable, breathable, water-resistant material, making it an eco-friendly, stylish, practical and affordable alternative to single-use plastic garment bags.
By switching to The Green Garmento, you will help to drastically reduce the negative impact of single-use plastic bags – that’s pretty GREEN.”
When my husband was in the Army and was in uniform, we really didn’t have much of a need for dry cleaning. Especially with me being a SAHM, because my work attire consists of t-shirts, yoga pants and worn-out jeans. But now that we’re doing it a little more, its great to have my new Green Garmento Eco Friendly Laundry Bags. This idea is SO genius! I hate the idea of all the plastic wasted with traditional dry cleaning bags. I mean really, we do it for our groceries, why wouldn’t we do it for our dry cleaning? The bags cute, high quality, and functional. I keep one in our hamper at home, just because I love how big it is, and how easy I can transport the laundry to the basement. I love that our family is taking another step to becoming a green home!
Things that are Brag Worthy:
- An eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic drycleaning bags
- A recyclable 4-in-1 garment bag
- A hanging hamper
- A carrying bag and duffel bag
- Breathable & Water Resistant
- Offered by over 1,000 US drycleaners!
Visit www.thegreengarmento.com to learn more!
The Green Garmento Eco Friendly Laundry Bag gets Bragging Rights!
The Green Garmento is generously giving away Two TGG Garment Bags to one lucky reader!
How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry– Visit The Green Garmento and let us know which color is your favorite!
1st Mandatory Entry must be completed before you can qualify for additional entries. All extra entries who don’t do the mandatory entry will be deleted.
- 1 entry– “Like” The Green Garmento on Facebook
- 2 entries– Grab The Bragging Mommy button and put it on your blog. Leave a link.
- 1 entry for each– Follow The Bragging Mommy via Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, subscribe to emails, subscribe in reader.
- 2 entries– Blog about this giveaway. Leave a link.
- 1 entry per day– Follow The Green Garmento on Twitter & Tweet this giveaway using @greengarmento & @braggingmommy. You can use this:
#Win TWO Green Garmento Eco Friendly Laundry Bag from @greengarmento & @braggingmommy! tinyurl.com/44o2pcc {ends 9.15}
You can enter this giveaway until September 15 @10:00 am MST. The winner will then be chosen at random, verified and contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to email us back and claim the prize, if prize is not claimed within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you agree to The Bragging Mommy Full Disclosure. You must be over the age of 18 and live in the Contiguous US to enter.