Parents in the United States have a legal obligation to support their children financially. This obligation is fulfilled naturally while they live together.
When parents don’t live together, the non-custodial parent pays child support to the custodial parent (the parent who lives with the child). The amount the non-custodial parent has to pay depends on a number of factors.
The sections below talk about the elements that determine child support payments.
Child support guidelines
Child support guidelines are used to determine how much each parent must contribute to raise a child. These guidelines vary from state to state.
What does child support include?
Child support includes everything that is needed for the growth and development of the child, including:
- Basic needs: The primary purpose of child support is to cover a child’s basic needs, including food, clothes, and a safe place to stay. The money from child support can be used for things like fruits and clothes for the child and to cover utility bills for the place the child stays.
- Education: Child support also covers the cost of putting a child through school. These costs can typically run very high and include everything from fees to school trips. Some of the things a parent may need to pay for include:
- Lunch money
- Sports or other extracurricular equipment
- School supplies
- Tutoring costs
- Transport costs
- Medical expenses: Parents must have insurance covering their children’s medical needs. This is usually split between the two parents and ensures that the child has access to routine medical checkups, vaccines, and emergency medical care, should they need it.
- Recreation: Playtime is essential to a child’s development. This may include trips to a movie theater or access to video games. Courts don’t have a defined amount for this expense, and parents can define their own limits and how much they contribute.
Who pays child support?
Typically, child support is paid by the parent who doesn’t have custody of the child to the parent with whom the child lives.
In cases where parents have equal custody of the child or if the child spends an equal amount of time with both parents, the court may not require one parent to pay child support.
Child support is not based on gender but on income and custodial arrangements.
Even if the parents were never married, the non-custodial parent is required to pay child support. However, a key distinction is that, in this case, paternity has to be established.
There are two options in this case:
- A paternity test will be conducted, based on which a judge will decide how to proceed. (or)
- Both parents can sign a voluntary declaration of parenthood, which gives them equal rights.
How long are you required to pay child support?
Usually, parents are required to pay child support until the child reaches 18. If the child is still in high school when they reach the age of majority, parents are required to pay until the child graduates high school.
Depending on the state, they may be required to pay for college education if they signed an agreement saying so or if the state laws support secondary education.
Parents are also required to provide continued support to children if they are mentally or physically disabled and are dependent on their parents.
Step-parents only have to pay for support if they’ve adopted the children, except in some states like Missouri.
How is child support calculated?
Some states consider only the non-custodial parent’s income. In some other states, both parents’ incomes are considered.
The state decides what kind of income is considered and what deductions are included when determining child support.
How often is child support paid?
Monthly payments are the most common form of child support, but payments may also be done weekly, biweekly, or bimonthly. The judge must determine if the suggested duration is appropriate for the case.
The cost of childcare can be pretty expensive. Having a competent lawyer work on your case will ensure that your financial capabilities and wishes are taken into consideration when negotiating child support terms.