Having someone in your life who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, or any other substances can really make things difficult. However, in these tough times, you have to stay strong and support them as well as yourself so that they can get over their addiction.

If your loved one is on the path of recovery from substance abuse, offering them your support and care is essential. According to studies, about 46.8 million people are struggling with substance abuse in the US, and if we talk about Colorado specifically, one out of ten people had a drug disorder, according to a 2021 survey. Hence, if you have someone struggling with substance abuse, enrolling them in a rehab facility to promote sober living in Boulder, CO, is a good idea. However, remember that therapy and medication will only work when they are surrounded by a positive and motivating environment. So how can you support them? Here are a few things that you must remember.
- Remember that Substance Abuse is a Disease:
Substance abuse is a disease that rewires the brain’s functioning and alters one’s value system. So, if you are seeing changes in their behavior, just keep in mind that it is not who they truly are. Also, be compassionate towards them and offer them your support and care, irrespective of their behavior. However, here, you need to remember that even though you must offer your loved one unwavering support and care, you may occasionally need to distance yourself from them for your own mental well-being.
- Enroll them into a Rehab Center:
If the individual is unable to overcome addiction on their own, it is best to enroll them in a rehab center. A rehab center provides a structured environment that helps the patient avoid triggers and negative influences, fostering a focus on recovery. Most rehab centers offer medical support, including managing withdrawal symptoms, therapeutic intervention to address the psychological aspect of addiction, and educating the patients about substance abuse so that they can maintain long-term sobriety.
- Help them Manage Stress:
At some point in the recovery journey, the patient is bound to feel stressed and that they are not making any progress. There may also be a time when they might feel like giving up. This is when your support will matter the most. Sometimes, just being present while they struggle to manage their sobriety is enough. This assures them that they have you whenever they feel the need to talk to someone.
- Educate Yourself About Substance Abuse:
When you have a family member or loved one struggling with substance abuse, you might also be feeling stressed, fearful, helpless, and angry. Like any other chronic illness, if you truly want to support the patient, you must educate yourself about addiction as well. Learn about how you can comfort them, the therapies used in the rehab center, and which is the best rehab center around your locality where you can enroll them.
- Focus on their Diet:
When the patient starts feeling better, you must try to incorporate a healthy diet into their lives. A balanced diet plays a major role in the path to recovery. Hence, make sure they stick to a regular mealtime routine and eat low-fat food items rich in protein, dietary fiber, and complex carbohydrates. Moreover, incorporating supplements such as vitamin A, C, zinc, and B complex can also be beneficial. However, consult the doctor before adding them to the diet.
- Remember that Recovery is a Long Process:
Overcoming substance abuse is a long process and filled with ups and downs. Expecting things to return to normal just after enrolling in a rehab center is unfair. Addiction is always accompanied by complex emotions, and even if one overcomes addiction, there are high chances of relapse. Hence, you need to be extremely patient while your loved one fights one of the toughest battles of their lives.
Life can be tough if you have someone in your family suffering from substance abuse. However, if they are on their journey to recovery, there are ways in which you can offer your support and compassion. Hence, by keeping in mind the points mentioned above, you will be able to effectively help them overcome their addiction and come out victorious during this difficult time.