Air conditioners greatly contribute to your daily comfort. Without them, it is almost unthinkable to maintain an optimal room temperature, especially if you live in warmer areas, notes McCaw Management team. These appliances not only cool the rooms but also keep humidity under control and purify the air from allergens, dust, and pollutants.
To ensure smooth AC work, you need to buy a quality unit and maintain it regularly. Of course, it also matters how you use your air conditioner because optimal use gives the best output and the least wear out of the unit. You can find some helpful tips on optimal AC usage at this link.
If you neglect the importance of regular AC maintenance, not only will it break down but your energy bills will also be higher. Faulty units will need more energy to ensure optimal output. Plus, they leave a more significant carbon footprint. These are enough reasons not to fall behind in regular AC upkeep.
Your Ultimate Guide to Home Air Conditioner Service and Maintenance
The average lifespan of air conditioners is from 10 to 15 years, depending on the quality of the unit and upkeep. It’s necessary to service this appliance at least once a year and sometimes more often, especially if you use it a lot.
Keeping Your Cool: Essential Tips for Home Air Conditioner Service
Every homeowner wants their air conditioners to be functional for as long as possible. This is doable with proper maintenance, but that doesn’t mean that breakdowns won’t happen down the road. If you take precautionary steps, you can prevent failures or at least reduce the probability of their occurrence and thus avoid high costs and hassle.
Filter Cleaning or Replacement
The filters inside your AC are a replaceable part that should be given a lot of attention. The unit draws in air, cools it, and blows it out, and all unwanted matters, debris, and dust remain on the filters. Thus, AC directly affects not only the room temperature but also the air quality. Depending on the intensity of air conditioner use, filters can get dirty and clogged very quickly.
In some AC units, the filters are replaceable, while in others, they are washable. In the first case, these are disposable components that should be changed every two to three months. During that period, they trap way too much debris. If you have pets or live near busy roads, you should change these filters once a month or even twice.
Check the source below to learn when it’s time for AC replacement:
In the case of washable filters, show them some love twice a month or every two weeks. Turn off the AC power, and open the unit. Vacuum the visible dust and then remove the filters. Wash them under a jet of warm water and let them air dry. Before putting the filters back, wipe the air on the front panel with a damp cloth.
Thermostat Check
Optimal settings of the AC unit affect its longevity. That’s why you should check the thermostat settings from time to time. As the outdoor temperatures change, you should adjust the AC settings to achieve optimal room conditions most efficiently. Also, install the thermostat away from a direct heating source to ensure it shows real room temperature so you can adjust AC settings properly.
If your thermostat is an older model without too many settings, consider upgrading to a programmable one. These units come with a host of features that ensure optimal operation of the AC unit, so you don’t have to set them every day. These thermostats will also lower power usage because you can program them to turn the air conditioner on and off as needed.
Examine Condenser Fan
Condenser fan problems most often cause the AC unit to stop working. This component enables the air to be cooled and blown out, so if it breaks or something interferes with its operation, your AC won’t emit cool air. The problem can be inside coils, on the fan blades, or inside the motor.
If the problem is cracked, broken, or dirty fan blades, you can clean or replace them. In case the condenser coils leak, you can patch a minor leak, but that’s only a quick fix. To prevent major problems, call HVAC technicians. You should also do that in case of capacitor failures, which you can suspect if your unit randomly turns on and off or you feel a burning smell.
Keep the Area Around the AC Clear
When it comes to cleaning ACs, many overlook the outdoor unit. Of course, sometimes it’s not easily accessible, so the cleaning task should be left to professionals. But if the outside unit is on the ground or somewhere you can easily reach it, it’s important to clean it regularly.
Clean debris and dust from the outside AC unit using a garden hose. Just do it gently and without high water pressure to not damage sensitive components. Remove grass, branches, and everything around it that could interfere with its work. Also, move all obstacles to prevent unit overheating.
Schedule Professional Maintenance
Prevention is the best solution to a problem. You should know how to spot potential air conditioner failures early. Pay attention to unusual sounds and smells, as well as to the operation of the device. Is it steady, or does it stall? Do you notice puddles of water around the units?
To avoid problems and expensive repairs, schedule professional home air conditioner service on time. When you have the seasoned technician on the spot, they check all components, wirings, and liquids to ensure the unit works smoothly. They solve AC failures quickly and suggest precautionary steps to ensure they don’t happen again.
If you run your AC every day, you shouldn’t neglect its maintenance. Filters get dirty, all kinds of debris can accumulate inside, coils crack, components wear out, and so on. If you solve these issues in time, you can enjoy the maximum convenience of a fully functional air conditioner.