Packing a bedroom is not exactly more challenging than packing the other rooms in your home. However, since there is surely some bulky furniture in your bedroom, your wardrobe and countless functional and decorative items, you need a plan if you want things to go smoothly.

Learn how to pack a bedroom for moving and get started right away.
1. Clean out your closet and declutter
Even though storage containers come in different sizes, it’s still a good idea to take a moment to declutter your home before you start packing. There is no need to bring any unwanted items to your new home.
When it comes to decluttering your bedroom, what you mostly need to pay attention to is your closet and your dresser.
Look at all your clothes and shoes, and decide what you want to keep and what you could sell, donate, or throw away.
To make your move even easier, try to declutter your entire bedroom.
2. Get some packing supplies
If you need to pack your entire home, you already have plenty of packing supplies. But what if you only have a bedroom to pack and move?
You will need to gather at least a few cardboard boxes. Wardrobe boxes could be a good idea as well.
You should also get packing paper, bubble wrap, packing tape, a marker to label your boxes, and old blankets to protect your furniture.
3. Prepare a bag of essentials
Preparing a bag of essential items is always wise when packing for a move. In this bag, you should keep everything you will need for the first 24 to 48 hours you will spend in your new home.
This way, you won’t have to dig through your wardrobe boxes to find some clothes and underwear. You will simply have to open your bag.
4. Start packing the items you don’t use often
As you decide how to pack your bedroom for moving, you must start with the items you don’t use often. Unless you have a small bedroom with not a lot of stuff in it, it will be impossible for you to pack everything in a single day.
So, if you are moving in the summer, pack your fall and winter clothes. Then, pack accessories, decorative items, books, and jewelry.
Your bed is probably the last piece of furniture you will pack in your storage container.
5. Wrap fragile items to protect them
Any fragile item you want to pack should be carefully wrapped with bubble wrap or packing paper before being placed inside a box.
Picture frames and mirrors, after being wrapped, should be placed vertically inside a box. Don’t hesitate to fill empty spaces with plenty of packing paper to ensure they don’t shift during transit.
Finally, write “FRAGILE” on each box that contains fragile items.
6. Simplify packing your clothes
Before packing your clothes, be sure your laundry basket is empty. You don’t want to be packing dirty clothes.
The most simple way to pack your clothes is to get wardrobe boxes. You can simply take your clothes from your closet and hang them in a wardrobe box. This will make unpacking much easier as well.
When it comes to clothes placed in dresser drawers, you can simply remove the drawers and secure them with tape.
7. Disassemble your furniture if you can
If some of your furniture can be disassembled, do it. It will be much easier to transport and pack in your storage container. Keep all the screws, nuts and bolts inside small plastic bags so you don’t lose them.
You can wrap furniture legs with bubble wrap and protect large pieces with old blankets.
8. Pack your bed and mattress
If possible, disassemble your bed frame to make it easier to pack. Wrap the pieces together to protect them from scratches.
As for your mattress, you should consider placing it inside a mattress bag to make sure it won’t get ripped or stained during your move.
As for your pillows, linens and blankets, you could pack them in bags or a suitcase.
9. Keep a list of what you pack in each box
It’s a good idea to keep a list of what you pack in each box to make it easier to find what you are looking for as you unpack.
Plus, label each box properly and write “Bedroom” if you are packing and moving your entire home.
As you get settled in your new home, it will be easy to know where each box goes and to avoid chaos.