Responsibilities don’t come naturally to children. Kids want to explore, learn about the world, and do exciting stuff. Tasks and chores often seem to be the opposite of what appeals to them. They’re often repetitive and boring. However, they’re also necessary. What’s more, doing chores teaches us important and valuable skills. So, although you want your kids to have a carefree childhood, instilling some good habits early on is not contradictory to this goal. On the contrary; with the right attitude and approach, you’ll turn chores into fun activities and teach your kids some valuable life skills. These simple tips will provide you with everything you need to know about teaching your children about chores!
Why teaching your children about chores is beneficial for them?
Although doing chores does not seem like an attractive prospect to most people, they’re actually good for us. They help us instill habits that will shape our approach to work, time management, and responsibility. Your children are young now, but they’ll be adults one day! Teaching them about chores early on will enable them to be happy and confident when they grow up. Here are a few ways in which teaching your kids about chores will be beneficial to them:
- They’ll learn valuable life skills – from cooking and cleaning to budgeting and time management.
- Your kids will grow up to be responsible, independent, and self-reliant.
- Chores will teach your kids about the value of teamwork.
- Your children will develop a strong work ethic.
- When every family member has their duties, it strengthens family bonds and appreciation of each other.
#1 Keep the kids’ age in mind when assigning chores
The reason why children sometimes feel unwilling to do chores is that they don’t believe they can. The task seems overwhelming, so they ‘forget’ rather than try and fail. For this reason, it’s very important to assign an age-appropriate task. Additionally, show your kids how to do the chore and help them do it themselves. That way, they’ll feel confident. What’s more, the assignment well done will give a boost to their self-esteem and enthusiasm.
Another factor to consider when assigning chores is safety. Not all tasks are suitable for all kids and at all ages. And as you well know, safety comes first. It’s similar to moving with your kids to a new house. You want to make your new home safe for them, so childproofing is the first thing to do after moving in. It will ensure your kids can learn and grow in a safe environment. Similarly, ensure you ‘childproof’ the chores – choose the ones that are safe and suitable for your kids.
#2 Be a good role model
Being a parent is not an easy task. Most of us can value a useful guide for parents, at least in some situations. However, keep in mind that to your child, you’re the best guide. Children are like sponges – they absorb everything they see and hear. Even if you don’t try teaching your children about chores, you will do so unintentionally.
Therefore, your kids are likely to observe your habits and mimic them. Use this opportunity to be a good role model and lead by example. What’s more, you can talk to your kids about what you’re doing and why. That will get them interested and motivated to join you.
#3 Be consistent
Teaching kids to perform different chores is not sufficient if you don’t teach them about responsibility and accountability. That means that it’s not enough to tell kids what to do. Instead, you need to follow through and react to your kids’ behavior. For example, if they don’t do their task, don’t just ignore it and do it yourself. It’s better to remind them to do it or discuss the matter with your kid. On the other hand, never fail to praise them for what they do.
#4 Use incentives but minimize bribes and punishments
When teaching your children about chores, it’s also crucial to understand their purpose. Don’t give kids meaningless tasks just to keep them busy. Focus on the relevant and purposeful chores, instead. For example, if you’ve recently moved into a new home, keep them involved in the unpacking process by teaching them the most important steps and let them organize their own rooms.
With this in mind, avoid threatening with punishments or offering bribes. That way, kids will do chores to avoid the former and obtain the latter – and that is not the lesson you want them to learn. Instead, offer incentives. For example, say, “If we finish this task in the morning, we’ll have time to do something fun in the afternoon”.
#5 Let your kids actively participate in decision-making
Another way to encourage and motivate kids to do chores is to involve them in making decisions. Of course, the extent of their involvement will depend on their age and possibilities. However, let them have a say and share their feelings and opinions.
For example, you can agree that some chores are a must for all family members (making the bed, picking up after themselves, etc.). And then let them choose their other assignments – setting the dinner table, mopping the floor, doing the dishes, etc. That will help kids feel appreciated and strengthen your relationship.
#6 Don’t expect perfection but always express your appreciation
The point of assigning chores is not for your child to do them as well as you would; the point is to improve your kids’ independence and help them learn new skills. So, prepare yourself – what they do won’t be perfect. Of course, you can do it much faster and better. However, resist the urge to take over the task or correct them all the time. Instead, show your appreciation and always praise them for completing the task. With time and practice, they’ll get infinitely better and learn more skills.
#7 Make the chores fun whenever possible
As we’ve mentioned before, lots of chores are boring and repetitive. So, find different ways to make them more fun and exciting! For example, play your kids’ favorite tune and have a funny dance for certain tasks. Or, set the timer and compete – who finishes most chores within the given time gets the reward. The reward doesn’t have to be expensive – choosing a movie for a movie night is a simple yet excellent idea! By following these tips for teaching your children about chores, you’ll raise your kids to become optimistic, self-reliant, and responsible adults.