Receiving the keys to your new home can be fulfilling and memorable. However, in the excitement of moving in, you must prepare adequately, so your home serves you long-term. That means you must take some immediate steps to ensure you get the best out of your new home. Doing this will also ensure that your home becomes an asset to you and does not make a huge dent in your finances. So, are you ready to enjoy your new home? Here are some things you immediately need to do after you buy your first house.
- Prepare for your moving-in expenses
Ideally, you should’ve made space in your budget to cover moving-in expenses. However, it’s not too late to start planning. First, find out how much it will cost to move to your new location. Online platforms like iMOVE can help you compare moving companies and their costs. Also, it’s important to note any repairs or renovation expenses, utility transfers, insurance, and decor costs, among others.
- Understand your mortgage statement
You must understand your mortgage statement if you’re relying on a mortgage. Every piece of information in this document is important, so you need to take the time to read it. You should focus on three key aspects: the due date for payment, how you’re supposed to pay, and the amount due. These key areas will help you stay on track with your payments to avoid the risk of losing your home.
- Secure your home
After ensuring that you’re fully aware of your mortgage responsibilities, it’s time to secure your home. The first thing you need to do here is to change your locks – not just the main door locks, all of them. You don’t want the previous homeowner to have easy access to your new home. Also, look around your building to see if the previous occupant left any spare keys hidden somewhere. It also helps to install new security features like alarm systems, motion detectors, security gates, and doors if you can afford them.
- Test your fire, smoke, and carbon monoxide detectors
If your new home does not have fire and carbon monoxide detectors, you must install them before moving in. If you already have them, it’s best to test them before you settle in, as you cannot be certain about the last time they were assessed. If your test revealed any faults or damages to them, the next logical step is to get them replaced or serviced by a trusted professional.
- Keep track of all documentation
You’ll receive paperwork that legalizes the completion of your purchase on closing day. It’s important to hold on to these documents, as they will benefit you when the tax season comes. It’s advisable to make photocopies of these documents and keep them in separate areas of your home. Being a homeowner allows you to benefit from tax savings, and your documentation will help you claim your benefits if your end-of-year mortgage does not reflect items you paid for at closing.