Let’s face it, no child likes taking medicine. To be honest, not many adults do either. If you have ever struggled to get your kid to take medication the right way, you are not alone. But getting your child to take meds doesn’t have to be a nightmare. There are many ways in which you can help your kid get used to taking his medication without any fuss.

Image by Karolina Grabowska via Pexels
Get Your Child Involved In The Process
Getting children to take medication is hard work. But if your kid thinks they can have a hand in the process of taking them, they’ll feel more empowered and willing. You can ask your child to show you how to take their medication. You could ask them to help you prepare the dosage by measuring it out with a cup and putting the medicine in a bottle so it’s ready to go.
Make It A Game
If your kid is old enough, you could make taking medication a fun game that can be played with friends and siblings. You could make a game out of measuring out the dosage. Give your child some medicine spoons and have them practice measuring the correct dosage to get better at it. It doesn’t really matter what game you make up, just that the experience is fun. All these games aim to remove the fear and anxiety around taking medication so that your child doesn’t mind doing it.
Celebrate Afterwards
After you and your kid have gotten through the challenge of taking medication, celebrate it. Give your kid a high five or a big hug after taking it. You could also give your child a reward. This will make it so that taking his medication doesn’t feel like a chore but a fun activity. You could let your child choose the prize or pick for them. You could also get a notebook and let them write down how taking medication is good and how well they did.
Define A Routine
There is nothing more important than routine when getting your kid to take medication regularly. You could put the pills with breakfast and have them take them just before or after eating. You could also have your child take their medication after a snack at a specific time during the day. It can be helpful to have your child write down when they need to take their medication, so they don’t forget. And encouraging your child to remember their meds means you’re putting control back into their hands.
Get Liquid Forms
If your kid is young, you could get the medication in liquid form. You can easily get liquid paracetamol over the counter. So you don’t have to make life difficult by sticking to pill form. If your child is old enough to take pills, you could ask your doctor if a chewable or dissolvable form of the medication is available. This can make it easier for your kid to take the medication with less fuss. It can also help to encourage your child to take the drug regularly if it’s in a form that is easy to take. If your child has special dietary restrictions, go to your doctor and ask if there are other options. Your doctor should be able to help you find a form of medication that is suitable for your child in every way.