Just a quick glance at society shows that public health is not where it should be. Most people are out of shape, struggling with chronic conditions, and don’t even know where to start turning things around.
However, the good news is that you don’t need expensive treatments or medical interventions to start improving your general health right now. Whether you are bouncing back from treatments in urgent care Philadelphia facilities or just retired in the deserts of the southwest, better health is attainable at almost any age.

In this list, we’re offering nine ways to support your overall health this year and finally take back control.
1. Establish an Exercise Routine
If you can manage to exercise just 30 minutes per day, you’re already ahead of 95% of Americans in terms of physical activity. It’s a shocking statistic but true nonetheless – the sedentary lifestyle is a huge contributor to our declining health as a nation.
You don’t need to pump the weights like Arnold or bike for hours like Lance, but just some basic aerobic and strength training will put you in a much better place health-wise within a few months.
2. Get More Natural Light
It’s not just that more people are glued to screens and less likely to exercise – they’re also avoiding sunlight and paying the price. We’ve been trained to fear the sun, but the opposite is true. Natural light is key to a healthy metabolism, energy, sleep, and more.
Vitamin D is a key component of a strong immune system as well, and it never hurts to have a nice healthy glow as long as you avoid overexposure. When the sun is shining, don’t hesitate to step outside for a while, especially in the morning.
3. Supplement Strategically
We all know to take a multivitamin and replenish minerals like magnesium, but how many of us actually stick to a supplementation regimen consistently? Taking a couple of capsules isn’t demanding, but we still manage to forget and miss out on optimal health.
Simplify your supplement strategy and take a minimal amount of tablets per day. This will keep things streamlined, and you’re less likely to get off track. For a well-rounded addition to your daily wellness routine, explore Beam Greens Powder, designed to provide essential nutrients and keep your supplement plan streamlined.
4. Find a Sustainable Diet
Just ask any doctors in urgent care Philadelphia or any other region – diet is the best form of preventive medicine for things like heart attack, stroke, and other serious health issues in the United States.
A burger now and then won’t kill you, but the chronic abuse of junk food plus sedentary living is what leads to deadly medical incidents. Make this the year you find a sustainable, healthy diet and stick to it.
5. Get Those Steps In
Doctors agree that 10,000 steps is the goal for able-bodied individuals looking to achieve better health. Keep that step-tracker operational throughout the day and see where you end up!
With more steps, you’ll soon find that your health improves in countless areas, from quicker fat loss to better metabolic function, sleep, and even digestion. We evolved to be upright and moving, so remember that during the work week.
6. Sleep Soundly Each Night
You’re not alone if you struggle with sleep patterns and feel a sense of chronic fatigue. Unfortunately, we are overstimulated and dependent on digital media, caffeine, and more.
But when you prioritize sleep, you’ll see how life-changing it can be for your health, both mental and physical. Assess your sleep hygiene and determine where you’re falling short. It might take some time to readjust your sleep habits, but the effort will be worth the results. Additionally, consider incorporating helpful techniques such as red light therapy to promote better sleep and overall well-being.
7. Connect with Trusted Doctors
Don’t wait until you’re on vacation on the east coast and have to check into an urgent care Philadelphia facility or something nearby. Connect with doctors now and get ahead of problems before they get worse.
We get it – doctor’s visits are no fun. But preventive care is key to longevity and overall health, so do the right thing for yourself and your family.
8. Commit to Real Hydration
Not everyone knows that hydration is more than just fresh water intake. You need the right mix of salts, minerals, and other compounds to fully charge the biological “battery” of the body and keep it running optimally.
Check out some hydrating supplements and be sure to incorporate them throughout the day. You’re likely chronically dehydrated without even knowing.
9. Put Your Health Plan In Place
Why deal with the stress and uncertainty of an insufficient health plan? You want a policy that covers you from California to urgent care Philadelphia and everywhere in between.
Work alongside your employer to get the insurance plan you want, or enter the enrollment market and select a personalized policy.
Your Health is a Top Priority
It’s great to have last-resort urgent care Philadelphia and other states in place. However, real health starts with you, and these tips will help you make this the healthiest year yet.