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Have you ever wondered why some people get sick easily and some people seem never to get sick?. It is true that, if you stay away from germs and maintain good hygiene you are less likely to get sick. But what happens when you catch an infection? That’s when your immune system plays its part. Whenever a germ invades your body, your immune system tries to fend it off by some defense mechanism. If you have a strong immune system with some adept lymphocytes to fight off infections, you have nothing to worry about. But if you have a compromised immune system, you are not going to get rid of those germs easily.
While it is true that you can’t actively take part in your body’s defense, you can bolster your immune response by following some healthy practices. For Instance, smoking can significantly affect your body’s immune response. According to a medical study, cigarettes contain chemical compounds that weaken the immune system. Additionally, it may lower the effectiveness of the vaccination, especially for elders. Also, several studies have found a direct correlation between lack of sleep and weak immunity. So, having enough sleep is one of the factors that strengthen your immune system. Those and numerous other factors may impact the body’s natural defense. This article explains some of these immune-boosting tips for you.
What Is The Immune System?
Our body is an intricately crafted entity that has many separate actors- some help with movement, some with digestion, and some fight any intruder that tries to invade our body. The system that is responsible for protecting our body from foreign microbes is known as the immune system. Your blood cells- T cells, white blood cells, lymph nodes and even your skin that protects you from germs are part of the immune system. All these parts work round the clock to prevent your body from getting sick.
How to Boost your Immune System in a Healthy Way?
Following a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy foods, regular exercise and even natural supplements like cbd oil uk can strengthen your immune system. Here are some healthy ways you can follow to strengthen your immune system. Vita Living is also suggesting some natural tips of keeping your hormone balance.
Eat Plant-Based Food
Whole plant foods are full of antioxidants, which is essential for fighting off inflammation. Antioxidants protect our body from developing chain growth of free radicals. If the balance between antioxidants and free radicals is severely off, your body can develop heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes. Including whole plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts will provide you with necessary antioxidants.
Try To Get Enough Sleep
We often overlook the importance of adequate sleep in our quest to stay fit. Sleep is as important as a healthy diet and exercise when it comes to immunity. As an adult, you should get at least 7 hours of undisrupted sleep in a day. To get a healthy sleep routine try to limit your screen time before going to bed; it can unbalance your circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep.
Use Supplements
If you don’t like eating fruits or vegetables, you can take some supplements to make up for your vitamin deficiency. Taking daily supplements of multivitamins or minerals like zinc, folic acid, iron or copper can also improve your overall health condition. However, overconsumption of vitamins or supplements may not be a good idea.
Add More Healthy Fats to Your Diet
Healthy fats such as omega3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids can control the immune and inflammatory response. These fatty acids can also increase the number of T cells and white blood cells that are our body’s defense against germs. You can find healthy fatty acids in plant-based sources such as chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, beans, seaweeds, walnut, olive oil, and dark leafy vegetables. Fish oil and aquatic fishes like salmon, and mackerels are also some good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Eat Fermented Food
We have millions of bacteria living in our stomach; some of them help us to break down and digest food. Probiotic is such a good type of bacteria that is found in fermented food. Fermented foods are effective for improving the digestion system and immunity. Yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and pickles are some of the fermented foods that can improve your digestion and immunity.
Manage Your Stress Level
Your body’s well-being largely depends on the well being of your mind. Although short term stress has very little effect, perpetual stress can weaken your immune system. When stress hormones are released, they suppress the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens; as a result, we get more susceptible to infections and disease. If you are chronically stressed, try to manage it to boost your immunity.
Take Up Some Exercise
Regular exercise can improve your metabolism and immune system. Light exercise stretches your body to a balanced limit. When you are engaged in physical activity your body gets a chance to eject bacteria and bad microbes out of your lung and windpipes. Managing regular exercise can also improve your eating habit by growing a healthy appetite.
Don’t Forget to Hydrated
Staying hydrated is the most effective way to stay healthy; which we often ignore. Your body needs fluids for operating all the complex physiological activities. Although drinking water may not help in fighting off bacteria directly, If you are dehydrated it will suppress your digestion and performance. Drink water at a regular interval, especially if you are working or living in a hot climate.
Tone Down the Smoking or Drinking
Everyone is aware of the bad impact of smoking or drinking but nobody is willing to let go. If you have any of these vices, be sure that no matter what other healthy lifestyles you are following, this one bad habit can ruin it all. The toxin from smoke and alcohol can suppress the performance of T-cells and cytokines- your body’s defenders against infection. It makes you more likely to get pneumonia, liver failure, and cancer. On a final note, it is more important than ever to strengthen our immune systems now that we are facing a worldwide pandemic. Following these healthy practices can improve your overall health condition as well as your immune system. Bringing these changes in your lifestyle will be a lot easier than to suffer from a weakened immune system. You can start with smaller changes, and gradually move to a full-on commitment as you grow determined.