You may have been seeing this guy for a while now and want to progress. Stop right there! According to this site, it’s a major sign he’s not ready for a serious relationship. How do you tell? Men have certain signs and hints they drop to let you know when they’re serious and ready for more.
Signs to Look Out For
1. He Has Consistency
Consistency is key. Your guy should communicate clearly and consistently with you. Does he always try to make plans at the last second? Does he only text late at night and ask to “hang out”. When a man is serious about you, he’ll make the effort to make plans well in advance. He’ll take every opportunity to talk with you or see you in person.
2. He Takes It Slow
There’s no need to rush a relationship. Rushing doesn’t equal long-term; it just means you want a commitment to not feel alone. Each of you should take the time to get to know one another slowly. Men will make it a priority to know every detail about you. Men that aren’t serious will test every boundary you set or even break them. When he’s truly invested, he’ll respect you and your boundaries.
3. He Lets Everyone Know You’re in a Relationship
Men that keep you a secret are a red flag. It’s natural for everyone to keep a new relationship quiet at first. However, if he never shows you off and wants to keep you under wraps after dating for a long time, it’s a bad sign. Men that want a long-term commitment will start to introduce you to their friends and family. They’ll want to see how you get along with one another.
4. He Talks About the Future
Men that aren’t interested in pursuing more with you will avoid talking about the future. They may even end the conversation or make you feel bad for wanting to talk about it. Note that there’s nothing wrong with it provided you aren’t telling them you can’t wait to have their kids after a few dates.
However, asking if they want children, if they want to get married, or where they see themselves shouldn’t make them squirm. Men looking for long-term commitment will even ask you these questions first to see how compatible for the long-term you are.
5. He’s Affectionate
Now, affection in an early relationship or early dating phase may come often. However, pay attention to the affection that’s given. If he’s constantly asking or making moves for only sex, that’s not affection. Affection is hand-holding, hugs, cuddles, kisses, all the cheesiness you see in the movies. Men that aren’t serious about another person won’t do much of the cutesy stuff without expectations for sex.
6. He Cares for You
Care refers to the small stuff in this instance. Men that care about your overall well-being will notice the small things about you and perform little gestures to show you they care. Some examples of this include:
• He’ll try to ease your stress and worries after a long day. This may look like making your favorite food for you, rubbing your back, or extra cuddles.
• He’ll accommodate you when it’s necessary. For example, you might feel tired and not feel like a long date. He’ll notice and make it short and sweet.
• When you have food allergies, he checks and avoids the ingredients.
7. He’s There When You Need Him
Life happens to everyone. It’s not always good or bad. There will be times when you have great days and when you have bad ones. Life might get in the way and cause difficult circumstances like medical problems, the death of a loved one, or a job loss. If the guy isn’t serious, he’ll usually bounce at the first sign of a problem. When a guy cares about you, he’ll stick through you even through the bad times. It’s also a relationship sign predictor. If they leave and come back, stay away from them. Relationships, where the partner is present through hard times, are more likely to last long-term than ones that struggle or dip out.
8. He’s Open and Honest with You
A guy that is serious about you and the relationship won’t lie. Sure, he might lie to you about your haircut gone wrong or if you’ve gained weight. However, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, he won’t lie about anything serious. If you ask him about his day or what he did, he won’t cause a fight.
Often, he’ll tell you before you can even ask! You won’t feel like what he’s telling you is a lie. Alternatively, you won’t have to worry about bigger lies where he tries to impress you. For example, he doesn’t prove to you he’s a good father during his visitation, you see it for yourself.
9. He Puts in Equal Effort for the Relationship
When you get into one of those flings, you’ll notice you do way more for him than he does for you. You’ll pay for your own meal, always text/call first, steadily make all the plans. You want him to do more and may have told him so, but still, he doesn’t.
Usually, this is a sign he’s just not that into you as you are into him. Neither one of you should be the one always making the plans or initiating communication. Relationships are 100%-100% from both parties.
Final Thoughts
The road to seriousness can sometimes be a rocky journey. You may not understand why your guy just can’t commit or why he doesn’t seem as invested as you. When you’ve been on a rocky journey with many guys, it’s hard to know when you have a good man and a serious relationship. Luckily, all you have to pay attention to is the signs.