When you own your home, your security is completely up to you. If you live in an apartment instead, it can feel like security is out of your hands. Fortunately, many apartment complexes are equipped with state-of-the-art security systems, offering you peace of mind about personal safety, according to Brentwood Square, an expert property management Murfreesboro TN company.

Even with these safety measure in place, however, you may still want to improve your apartment unit’s security. For those of you who like to be extra careful, here are eight ways to secure an apartment and keep your family safe:
Have the locks changed
If you aren’t the first tenants in the apartment, then you should consider asking your landlord to change the locks. Although the previous tenants may have returned their original sets of keys, it’s possible that they had copies made which they didn’t return.
Another possible scenario is that the former residents gave copies to friends or family members, who forget to return them afterwards. For peace of mind, ask your landlord to have the locks changed, so you know you’re the only one with a key.
Extra locks
You should be entitled to add extra locks to your apartment for more security. Try asking your landlord to cover the cost of an extra lock like a chain or a barrel bolt. They may say no, but if they do, let them know that you are going to be installing one on your own for the extra security.
Not all thieves use the front door. You may not think of it, but you should always be locking your patio doors and windows too. Any spot where a burglar may try to enter should be effectively secured enough to deter them. If a burglar really wants in, they will find a way, but most crimes are those of opportunity, meaning they only do it because they can.
Invest in a security system
There are a ton of different types of security systems. Some have complex wiring, but others are very simple and could easily be installed in your apartment. A security system could give you more security, alerting you in case of an intruder.
You may also want to install a security camera. The camera doesn’t even have to be live; it just has to be present. The presence of a security camera instills fear in burglars. If they are caught on camera, they could be caught by the police. A security camera doesn’t have to be expensive, and it could really come in handy one day. Find out vivint pricing.
Find a good apartment location
Do you live in an area with a recent streak of crime? Unfortunately, not all neighbourhoods are made equal, and some districts are plagued with more burglaries than others. If you live in an apartment rental, you have the freedom to pack up and move to a more desirable location instead. Browse apartment rental websites like Viewit to find a safer neighbourhood with a low crime rate.
Invest in curtains
You should have curtains for all windows, not only for your own privacy, but also for your protection. Curtains are especially important if your apartment is on a lower level, where people can easily look in.
When you’re at home during the day, feel free to let the sunshine in! But when you’re not at home or at night, it’s a good idea to close your curtains against people casing the place and looking for valuables. Blackout curtains are particularly effective, but any kind of curtain should deter potential thieves.
Ask for more lighting
Make your building manager or landlord aware of unlit areas around your building. Another feature that makes burglars comfortable is a lack of lighting, which helps to keep them hidden. If you notice a burnt-out lightbulb, let the building manager know. If you notice an area that is particularly badly lit, ask the managers if they might consider adding some lighting there.
Get a home safe
A home safe can be used to keep smaller items that are particularly valuable, as well as any cash. These are great contraptions because they protect your belongings from theft. Plus, they can be fire and water resistant, which protects those valuables in case of a fire or flood too.
Use technology
Technology today is increasingly impressive. There are lots of new inventions that make home life safer for renters and apartment residents. Smart speakers, home assistants and other similar systems allow you to lock and unlock your doors. This can be done virtually or by voice activation.
The home technology can also let you know when doors have been opened, unlocked, or when lights are on or have been turned on. These systems can give you peace of mind and extra security when you need it.
Get insured
As mentioned above, if a burglar wants your stuff, they will get it some way. There is a lot you can do to prevent your apartment from being robbed, but you can’t eliminate the chance completely. That’s why it is so important to get renter’s insurance. Renter’s insurance is your plan B. If you do get robbed, you can be compensated. Make sure to consult with the insurance company about what your coverage entails.