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Walking is nearly one of the safest (and most effective) forms of exercise on the planet. This is doubly so for sufferers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Because it is easy on the joints, is low impact, and can easily be done by almost anyone, anywhere, walking builds self-efficiency. Here are several ways for COPD patients to reap the benefits of walking.

1. Better Sleep
Exercising will make you feel tired, in a good way. Exercise helps regulate your sleeping pattern, which is responsible for your mental and physical health. Everyone knows the power of a good night sleep reduces the risk of developing heart diseases. Sleeping can help your breathing problems.
2. Control Your Weight
People with COPD who are also overweight are making it harder for themselves to breathe. If breathing is a problem, why in the world would anyone want to exercise? Sadly, without exercising, breathing problems get worse. It’s a vicious cycle. Luckily, people with COPD don’t have excuses for not exercising anymore, as walking at a moderate pace for only half an hour burns stored-up fat and burns metabolism. This means weight is lost and reduces a number of health risks (such as heart disease, osteoarthritis and stroke, for starters).
3. Improved Mood
When endorphins released by our body, we feel calming—and soothing—sensations. It’s a struggle to see the upside of things when you’re plagued with lung diseases. It’s impossible to feel cranky or moody when endorphins rush through your body. Walking provides endorphin production, which is a natural anti-depressant.
4. Manage Blood Pressure
Hypertension—or high blood pressure—is synonymous with COPD. Walking is nature’s way of naturally bringing down blood pressure levels to a safe point. One good way to do so is by running; if this isn’t an option for you, walking is just as effect as running in this instance.
5. Energy
It’s hard to feel energetic about anything. Walking is a form of exercise. It’s been proven that exercise builds your energy levels. This means that you have the energy to enjoy activities for a longer time, without becoming fatigued or breathless. There are several COPD Symptoms you need to be on the search for.
6. Bans Anxiety
Stressful situations happen to all of us. It’s undeniably easy to feel increasingly frustrated. This stress produces higher-than-normal levels of cortisol, responsible for high blood pressure. The danger of having too much stress in your life doubles when you have COPD. Walking is one of the most natural ways of de-stressing yourself and removing toxic chemicals from your life.
7. Breathe Easier
Walking helps you breathe easier – bar none. This is because some activity is better than none, according to Dr. Darcy D. Marciniuk (a professor at the University of Saskatchewan). Even walking for 20 minutes a day, at a slow-to-moderate pace, has shown to improve lung capacity. Granted, it is in small amounts – but doing something persistently every day, no matter how small, adds up to gigantic results before you realise it. There is no downside to being able to use less effort, and therefore less pain, to breathe.
One of the best things you can do for yourself, if you smoke, is to stop smoking – as smoking is responsible for a plethora of lung and respiratory problems. Thankfully, dealing with your COPD doesn’t have to be a life-or-death struggle, as we’ve just gone over easy strategies you can use starting today. Don’t wait, make a difference in the quality of your life and happiness now.