So, you’ve decided on the kind of party you’ll host for your kids birthday, you’ve decided on the cake, balloons, and banners. But what about the party entertainer? What will you ask them to make sure your party is a hit? Kids party entertainment can be a difficult task, especially when the party is a huge one.

The global children’s entertainment centers market size was approximately $8.15 billion dollars in 2018 and is rising very rapidly. It is expected to reach nearly $15.37 billion by 2026, according to Allied Market Research.
So, from the industry as vast and varied as this one, how will you know which party entertainer to finalize? But do not worry, here is a list of seven questions you can ask the entertainer before finalizing them for your party!
1. Job Experience
Perhaps the most basic question you ought to ask the entertainer is regarding their job experience.
Granted, every amateur will not mess up the party, but it is still better to choose an entertainer who has been working in this field for quite some time. They will know just what to do or say to make the party a big hit!
2. Actual Performer(S)
Although most of the time the person you speak to shall be the performer at the party, this is not always the case, especially when the entertainer is assigned through a company or agency.
So, it is very important to clarify with the speaker regarding who will actually be at the party to perform for the kids.
3. Appropriate Setting
It is very important to remember that the party to be held is for kids, so the kind of music or performances have to be carefully curated.
Any kind of music or balloons or banners that may be inappropriate for kids may lead to a big disaster, so be sure to ask them to keep the themes and settings kid-friendly.
4. History Of Drug/Alcohol Abuse
This may be a slightly uncomfortable question to ask, but you must ask this politely nevertheless. A performer who slurs or seems out of sorts at a kids party will definitely not be welcomed. Therefore, be sure to clarify this politely with the performer before finalizing them.
5. Cost
Now, the cost of hiring will most certainly be written on the website from where you book your entertainer, but if it isn’t then this is one question that is absolutely vital before finalizing your entertainer.
Make sure to have the budget written down and approved by both you and the entertainer beforehand to avoid any sort of misconceptions while making the payment.
6. Activities
This goes hand in hand with the job experience. Are you hiring the entertainer to play a clown at the party? Or maybe a magician? Will there be interactive sessions with the kids?
These are questions that you should ask them to have a clear understanding of what the party and the entertainer will be like. The more interactive the entertainer is, the more your kids will enjoy it!
7. Hygiene and Sanitation
Nobody would like to see dirty props or grubby costumes at a party, right? It promotes an unclean environment and doesn’t make a very good impression. So, be sure to ask your performer if they regularly clean and sanitize their costumes, props, and other essentials before performing.
In today’s pandemic-ridden world, it is of utmost importance to check twice, or even thrice, the cleanliness of the items your performer is going to use. And with kids, it is especially important to be extra hygienic!
Over to you…
Before finalizing any kids party entertainers, be sure to ask these basic questions, as this will ensure a happy and safe event for both you as well as your kids!
There are definitely other questions you may ask, such as how far the entertainer is willing to travel because they too need to have their comfort, or if your entertainer is willing to interact with kids who have special needs, such as autistic children.
But do not worry, every entertainer is unique in their own way, and will surely ensure that your kids have a blast at the party!