Many of us hate talking on the phone at the best of times. While text messaging and internet communication have reduced the need to pick up the phone as often, there are still situations where we may have no option but to ring someone. Below are a few examples of important phone calls that you shouldn’t keep delaying.
Seeking out medical advice
There are many reasons as to why we avoid seeking out medical advice. Some of us are concerned about the cost, while others may feel we don’t have the time to sit in a queue or visit a clinic. In other cases, we may be embarrassed about a health problem or may be scared of getting a diagnosis. In all cases, such delays can lead to delays in getting treatment – health problems can often end up getting worse, and in some cases harder and more expensive to treat.
If time is an issue, consider looking into virtual appointments as offered by services such as DrHouse – you typically don’t have to deal with the same waiting times and you can talk to a professional from any location. If cost is the issue, explore different forms of medical funding – a single appointment typically won’t cost much, but if you’re really financially struggling there are 0% interest medical loans. If it’s a case of embarrassment or fear of getting a diagnosis, it may be time to simply face up to these fears – if the problem gets worse, you’ll eventually have no choice but to see someone, so why keep delaying the inevitable?
Scheduling necessary repairs
Many of us put off booking appointments when it comes to things like home repairs and car repairs. This is typically due to the cost of getting these repairs done, but may also be due to the disruption such repairs can cause.
Some home issues and car faults could be potentially dangerous if not fixed. At the very least, they can cause a lot of inconvenience, so it’s important that you don’t keep delaying them. Take the time to call a few repair services and collect quotes. If cost is really an issue, consider looking into loans or ask to borrow money from a family member. DIY repairs may be an option but you need to be certain that you know what you’re doing.
Making a complaint
Many of us hate having to make a complaint. However, complaints can be necessary for getting fair compensation and for making people face accountability for mistakes.
It may be possible to put a complaint in writing if you would prefer to not do it over the phone. However, generally a phone call is the best way to show your complaint is urgent and serious. If you leave it too long to make a complaint, you may find that certain things like warranties or return policies become void, so don’t wait too long.
Calling back an angry customer
Having to deal with angry customers can be very unpleasant, but the longer you leave them without a response, the angrier they are likely to get. A quick response could help to calm them down before they take any further action such as leaving a nasty review or even filing a lawsuit.
Before calling back an angry customer, prepare all the information you may need and rehearse your apology. Remind yourself that while they have a right to be angry, they do not have a right to harass you or use bad language. This post offers more tips for dealing with angry customers on the phone.
Chasing up a late payment/non-response
If someone has continuously not paid you back or is ignoring urgent messages, there may come a point when you need to pick up the phone. Many of us don’t like to have to hassle people on the phone, but sometimes it can be essential for preventing people from taking advantage. They may continue to ignore your phone calls, but the fact you have tried to get hold of them could still be important if you need to take things to the next stage.
A follow-up text or message may be all that’s needed at first. If they ignore this, then you should ring them. This post at Atradius offers more information about chasing up late payments by phone.
Checking in on friends/family
You should also consider whether there are any friends or family members who you haven’t checked in on in a while. You should particularly consider elderly relatives, as well as friends or family members who you may suspect are lonely or depressed. Sometimes a message is all that’s needed to stay in contact, however those who are older or lonely may prefer a phone call. Make sure that you don’t keep putting off this call until it is too late.
Booking that gift experience
Do you have a gift experience that may expire by a certain date? Some of these experiences can be booked online, but others may require you to call up a company. Make sure that you’re not constantly putting off making this phone call as you could end up letting the gift experience expire.