Everything about the holiday season sounds exciting, from food to parties, vacations, and more. You want to dress to impress and look fabulous at every single party. But when it comes to looking your best, you need to go the extra mile with skincare. It is easier said than done, considering the havoc that alcohol, sugary desserts, and late nights can cause. You may end up with pimples, dark circles, and fine lines just when the most important work party or family event is around. Even worse, the cold and dry air takes a toll on your skin’s shine and glow. It makes sense to do your bit to retain the holiday glow. Here are some effective measures that can help.
Drink more water
The easiest way to ramp up your holiday skincare schedule is to drink more water. But it is easy to get your eight glasses a day amid the festive shopping and parties. Your skin tends to feel dehydrated due to exposure to dry air outdoors and heated air indoors. Make conscious efforts to drink more water even if you do not feel thirsty. Apart from increasing your water intake, use a daily moisturizer for external hydration. Installing a humidifier is also a good idea to keep your complexion safe from indoor air.
Steer clear of diet culprits
Flawless skin is mainly about what you eat, and holidays have more than one diet culprit. Sugar, fats, and processed foods can cause damage, so avoiding them helps. Opt for healthy desserts like fruit salads and steer clear of fried and processed goodies. Caffeine, alcohol, and sugary juices are other diet culprits to avoid if you want to look radiant and beautiful this festive season. Moderation is the key, while you can even ditch these drinks for healthier alternatives like green tea.
Step up your skincare routine
When you are in a party mode, giving up on your daily skincare routine is easy. Make sure you do not miss out on the cleansing, toning, and hydrating schedule. Exfoliating every few days will keep you glowing by removing the dead skin cells. Remember to clean your makeup before going to bed because your skin needs to breathe. Sun protection is equally important, even if you cannot see the sun. Switch to winter-appropriate skincare products because you need extra moisture in this weather.
Book an in-office treatment
Home skin care takes you a long way, but it may not be enough to get the holiday glow you want. You may need a more intensive skin treatment to look like a diva. Trying an IPL Photofacial this year is a great idea because this one-in-all treatment covers you on many fronts. It treats sun damage, age spots, wrinkles, and redness, so you get value for your money. The best part is that it has little downtime, and you can go on with party preparations right after the session. Get the treatment on time to win with your beauty!
Get your beauty sleep
Sleep deprivation is another enemy your skin has to beat to look flawless and glowing during the holidays. Do not let late nights deprive it of the “beauty sleep” it needs to maintain its health. Follow a regular sleep-wake cycle as much as possible. Catch up on your sleep with an afternoon nap if you do not get enough on party nights. Getting it is vital because your skin can rejuvenate and recuperate during those eight hours. Ditch the gadgets, have a hot shower, and sip on a cup of herbal tea to sleep well.
Relax and breathe
Your stress easily shows up on your skin, and you are bound to have plenty to handle this holiday season. Loads of work in the office and party preparations keep you busy. Mix in winter blues, and you have a perfect recipe for skin disaster. Luckily, you need not do much to handle the woes. Just relax and breathe to get rid of the anxiety and bring the elusive glow back. A daily meditation session is enough to shine up your complexion. Combine with a weekly detox to purge the toxins that accumulate in your body during the festive revelries.
Retaining the holiday glow does not require a lot of work. You only have to be regular with your regular routine and choose your food and drinks judiciously. Good sleep and relaxation do the rest. Follow these simple measures, and you will not have to do much to impress with your festive looks.