Are you stuck with the aging signs, such as sagging cheeks, interfering with how you express your emotions? Aging signs are inevitable parts of aging. Although you cannot reverse the aging process, you can rely on cosmetic surgery to improve your looks and boost your confidence. A facelift is one cosmetic procedure that can help you restore your youthful look. However, before you seek the facial lift procedure from Eric Cha M.D., FACS, it is good to make the necessary preparations to get the best results. Here are some tips to help you prepare for facelift surgery.

Research About the Procedure
It would be absurd for you to undergo the facelift procedure without deeper insight into what it entails. Therefore, you should visit the surgeon’s website to familiarize yourself with the procedure. During your research, you will know whether you are a good candidate for the surgery to avoid complications. Through the surgeon websites, you will also see images of patients before and after facelifts, which will help you work on your expectations.
Avoid Certain Medication
Some over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin, can increase the chances of bleeding during facial surgery. Therefore, it would help if you skipped them a few weeks before your appointment. It is a good idea to talk with your doctor about alternative medication to ensure that your underlying health condition does not worsen during this period.
Organize for Help
Most surgical procedures will require you to remain indoors for a certain period for smooth recovery. Therefore it is good to ask your friends and relatives to support you during this time in cleaning and other house chores. These individuals will also drive you home after the procedure since you could still feel tired from the anesthesia.
Drink Plenty of Water
Water has many health benefits, including boosting the healing process. With that in mind, you should stay hydrated for your surgical procedure. Aim for at least eight glasses of water daily for optimal hydration. It would help if you continued embracing this healthy recommendation even after surgery.
Invest in Loose Clothes
Imagine struggling to get off the tight shirts over your face after facelifting. This instance would be distressing, and it can hamper your recovery. Therefore, stocking your closet with loose clothes and zip shirts is always good.
Quit Smoking
Smoking has many adverse consequences on your health. For example, nicotine compounds usually narrow the blood vessels, raising blood pressure. Increased blood pressure makes you vulnerable to extreme bleeding during the facelift surgery, which can interfere with the procedure’s effectiveness. Therefore, if you smoke, this is the best time to kick off this deadly habit.
Many individuals struggle with aging signs that take a toll on their attractiveness. If you are one of them, the above tips will help you to prepare as you seek your answer from Fifth Ave Plastic Surgery. With his vast experience in cosmetic procedures, Dr. Cha conducts facelift surgery for patients with sagging cheeks and other aging signs. Make an online booking and visit their Upper East Side, NY facility to reclaim your youthful look.