You can make use of cocoa butter in a wide variety of ways. It’s great as a skin lotion and lip balm. You can even use it in recipes. It’s totally edible and completely organic. If you’re having trouble looking for some, ThriveCuisine lists the places to buy it here. Here are the top 5 ways that you can use cocoa butter in your day to day life.

1. Make Yourself a Refreshing New Bath Melt
One of the most luxurious and exciting things that you can do with cocoa butter is to give yourself an amazing new bath melt. Cocoa butter is perfect for this use. In fact, its organic nature makes it super easy to prepare and even easier to clean up. The only downside to be aware of is a tub that will be slippery.
But once you are aware of what cocoa butter can do for you, you’ll be okay with a slippery tub. It will clean right up after you are done. Just ease yourself into the tub and prepare for an amazing feeling. Cocoa butter is naturally warm and gentle on the skin. It turns a mundane bath into a total spa treatment.
2. Cocoa Butter is the Ultimate Skin Moisturizer
Another very crucial use that many people have for cocoa butter will be as the ultimate skin moisturizer. Let’s face it, as we age, our skin loses a great deal of its natural moisture reserve. Cocoa butter is a timely remedy that will help to restore the moisture that your skin needs to look great and stay healthy.
There are many ways to employ cocoa butter as a natural skin moisturizing agent. Many people buy it in the form of a bath bar while others use it in the form of a skin cream. However you choose to use it, you’ll be getting a fully organic and natural remedy. This is one that experts around the world use themselves.
You can find plenty of recipes to make your own cocoa butter skin cream on the web. You can also find it in stores and on the internet. It can be found as a cornerstone of many professional spa treatments. Due to being easily available, it’s a cost effective agent that you can use to stay beautiful on a budget.
3. Use Cocoa Butter Instead of Carrier Oil
Many people all around the world are getting hip to the idea of using the least amount of carrier oil possible. This is due to the fact that some of the side effects of using too much of this substance are becoming more well known. As a result, experts have been searching for an agent that could substitute for it.
This is where cocoa butter can come to the rescue. You can easily make use of it in order to replace at least 5 to 10 percent of the carrier oil you are currently making do with. The effect on your skin will be immediate. You will notice a richer, thicker, softer, and longer lasting layer of skin protection.
4. Give Yourself a Whole New Lip Treatment
One of the very best uses for cocoa butter will be as a new lip balm treatment. This is one of the uses that has been gaining real traction in the marketplace in recent years. More and more lip balm makers have been searching for an ingredient that gives their formula a whole new level of lasting protection.
Cocoa butter is the agent that most easily fits this bill. It has organic properties that spread out to protect your lips without being stretched too thin. It gives you fuller, more luscious lips without overdoing it. If you want to look chic while staying within your budget, cocoa butter is the way to go.
5. Make Delicious Raw Chocolate with Cocoa Butter
One of the most surprising things that you may not know about cocoa butter is that you can eat it. This is because it is fully organic, completely natural, and tasty to boot. If you have never tried raw chocolates made with cocoa butter, you can rest assured that you have definitely been missing out.
Raw chocolate is a healthy alternative to all of the processed and fattening junk that too often litters the shelves of grocery stores. And when you add cocoa butter, you’re getting a mix that is truly made in Heaven. There are plenty of recipes available on the web that will prove cocoa butter is king.
Cocoa Butter is a True Organic Miracle
Now that you have seen for yourself what cocoa butter can do, you may well be amazed. You may have learned about quite a few uses for this wonderful mixture that you never thought possible. But now that you’re aware, feel free to pass on the news. This article can easily be shared with all of your family and friends.