In writing a wedding ceremony script there are certain rules that come to mind. The number of these rules are however determined by the type of wedding ceremony script being written. Is it religious or non-religious? Also, if religious, for which religion, and in which particular wedding ceremony order?
While in most situations some rules are adhered to, a couple choosing the road less traveled may want to do their own thing and write one of their own. And inevitably, in writing your own modern wedding ceremony script, you may decide on your rules as you go along.
Whichever you choose, below we have a few tips to help you in writing your wedding ceremony script. A basic wedding ceremony script usually includes:
- It should begin with a wedding processional, which consists the entrance of the groom, the bride, and the wedding party. This is usually followed by wedding readings, hymns, prayers and wedding ceremony music.
- Next will be the exchange of wedding vows and then the exchange of wedding gifts or wedding rings.
- There could be a unity ceremony, perhaps a unity candle ceremony or sand ceremony, depending on the beliefs and preferences of the couple.
- Next a blessing, benediction, address or sermon. Here you might need a wedding script for the officiant for their sanction of the marriage. This usually ends with a pronouncement by the officiant, and the first kiss of the married couple
- The ceremony ends with a recessional.
Sample Wedding Ceremony Scripts
This is one aspect of a marriage where you are certainly allowed to copy because it is almost impossible to create a script from scratch. Therefore, in looking for a wedding transcript, it is okay to go through already existing samples and decide on your preferences. Some details in particular make a difference in the script such as elopement vs wedding. Below are a few to guide you and hopefully lend you helpful wedding ceremony script ideas. You can get even more help here;
- Unique Wedding Ceremony Script – here is a unique script created by a couple, Max and Erin Willet.
Please be seated
We are gathered together on this day to witness and celebrate the marriage of Max and Erin. We come together not to mark the start of a relationship, but to acknowledge and strengthen a bond that already exists. This ceremony is a public affirmation of that bond and as their dearest family and friends, it is our honor and privilege to stand witness to this event. This day is made possible not only because of your love for each other, but through the grace and support of your family and friends. It is our hope that your fulfillment and joy in each other will increase with each passing year.
Marriage is a commitment in life, where two people can find and bring out the very best in each other. It offers opportunities for sharing and growth that no other human relationship can equal, a physical and emotional joining that has the promise of a lifetime.
Let us bow our heads in prayer. Lord, we thank you for gathering everyone here today. We ask that you help Max and Erin to remember the strong love that they share. To work that love into practical things so that nothing can divide them. May their love always inspire them to be kind in their words, considerate of the other’s feelings, and concerned for the other’s needs and wishes. Increase their faith and trust in You. Bless their marriage with peace and happiness and make their Love fruitful for Your glory and their joy, both here and in eternity. Amen.
Marriage deepens and enriches every facet of life. Happiness is fuller; memories are fresher; commitment is stronger. Marriage understands and forgives the mistakes life is unable to avoid. It encourages and nurtures new life, new experiences and new ways of expressing love through the seasons of life.
In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul wrote: Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes in all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.
While the commitment begins with the two of you, its effect radiates outward. It touches your family and friends and ultimately all of society. When this commitment is seriously made and continuously fulfilled, it leads to the richest and most rewarding of human relationships.
This is, I am sure, what you Max, want for Erin and it is also what you, Erin, want for Max. It is also what your family and friends who are gathered here want for the two of you. When a couple treats each other with kindness, love, and respect, the best of what marriage has to offer is the result.
Your relationship will take more than love. It will take trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other. Dedication, to stay open to one another, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so. And faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds for you both.
While love is our natural state of being, these other qualities are not as easy to come by. They are not a destination, but a journey. Marriage is a give and take between two personalities, a mingling of two endowments which diminishes neither, but enhances both.
Your joining together today becomes all the more important to recognize the significance of a devoted and affectionate family life.
You are both blessed to have come from truly loving families who recognize the importance of marriage and the fundamental nature of the marriage commitment. They want everyone to know that who they are today is the result of many years of support and sacrifice by their parents.
Seeing that no moment is without meaning, we ask that you take this marriage as a beginning of your lives together. Today signifies the creation of a new home and a new family for you both. May you be fulfilled by each other’s love and friendship. May you be overjoyed by the promises you are about to make and the life together you will create.
Remember that in every marriage, there are good times and bad, times of joy and times of sorrow. Marriage is a journey – a time of adventure and excitement enhanced by the love, trust, dedication, and faith you share in one another.
You are mature enough to know the difference between dreams and realities. You have youth and hope. You also know that good times are sweeter when shared and that difficult times are less harsh when borne by two. Continue to work to build a foundation that will support the lasting relationship that is marriage.
May the promises you make to one another today, be lived out to the end of your lives. Tomorrow can bring you the greatest of joys, but today is the day it all begins.
Max and Erin, do you, with your family and friends as your witnesses, present yourselves willingly and of your own accord to be joined in marriage?
[We do]
Will you promise to care for each other in the joys and sorrows of life, come what may, and to share the responsibility for growth and enrichment of your life together?
[We will]
VOWS (here the couple say their vows)
Max and Erin as you hold hands, may you see the gift that they are to you.
These are the hands that are holding yours on your wedding day as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will countless times wipe tears from your eyes, tears of joy and sorrow. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years. These are the hands that will help hold your family together as one as you overcome adversity. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. These are the hands that will work alongside yours as together you build your future.
Having this love in your hearts, you have chosen to seal your vows by exchanging rings.
From the earliest times, the circle has been a sign of completeness. The rings that you have chosen to wear have neither beginning nor end, much like your love for one another. They are a symbol of the words that you speak today. May these rings be from this day forward, your most treasured adornment, and may the love they symbolize, be your most precious possession. As you wear these rings, may they be constant reminders of these glad promises you are making today.
Let us pray. Lord, bless the giving and receiving of these rings. May Max and Erin be forever true to this union. May the seamless circle of these rings become the symbol of their endless love and serve to remind them of the holy covenant they have entered into today. Amen
Max, take this ring, place it on Erin’s left hand and repeat after me.
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you.
Erin, take this ring, place it on Max’s left hand and repeat after me.
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you.
Today you have pledged yourselves to a lifetime of caring for one another. May this be a commitment made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope and eternally renewed. As you stand before us, it is our hope that you will go through life loving, trusting, and caring for one another, completely and forever.
Max and Erin from this moment forward you will never be alone. You will carry with you the love of another person, giving you a completeness and renewed lightness. May your life together be immersed in love and excitement. May you strive to enrich each other in every possible way. And may you work to bring the peace you find to this world.
Having pledged their fidelity to one another, to love, honor and cherish one another in the presence of this gathering and by the authority vested in me by the constitution and the laws of this state, it is my honor to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to be the first to introduce you to: Mr. and Mrs. Max and Erin Willet.
- Simple Wedding Ceremony Script – a simple script for that short and straightforward wedding.
We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments, the joining of two hearts and to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love, and to add our best wishes to the words which shall unite this couple in marriage.
Should there be anyone who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage, Shush!!
Who Gives this Woman/Man today to be married (optional)
Today we have come together to witness the joining of these two lives. For them, out of the routine of ordinary life, the extraordinary has happened. They met each other, fell in love and are finalizing it with their wedding. A good marriage must be created. It is never being too old to hold hands. It’s remembering to say I love you every day and it is not just marrying the right person it’s being the right partner.
I, GROOM/BRIDE take you GROOM/BRIDE to be my husband/wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.
I, GROOM/BRIDE take you GROOM/BRIDE to be my husband/wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.
I Do’s
GROOM/BRIDE do you take GROOM/BRIDE to be your HUSBAND/WIFE? (“I do”) Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him/her, forsaking all others and holding only unto him/her? (“I do”)
GROOM/BRIDE do you take GROOM/BRIDE to be your HUSBAND/WIFE? (“I do”) Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him/her, forsaking all others and holding only unto him/her? (“I do”)
Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this couple in marriage.”
GROOM/BRIDE, This ring is my sacred gift, with my promise that I will always love you, cherish you and honor you all the days of my life. And with this ring, I thee wed.
GROOM/BRIDE, This ring is my sacred gift, with my promise that I will always love you, cherish you and honor you all the days of my life. And with this ring, I thee wed.
By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you …………
You may kiss your GROOM/BRIDE.
I present to you our happy couple
- Civil Wedding Ceremony Script – also short and simple, this nicely put together civil wedding ceremony script sample, is last but not least, for your reference.
Welcome! Good afternoon, family and friends. We have come here today to celebrate the wedding of ______ and ______. On behalf of the bride and groom, thank you for joining us. By your presence, you celebrate with them the love they have discovered in each other, and you support their decision to commit themselves to a lifelong relationship.
Marriage is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection. By making this commitment today, ______ and ______’s relationship will become stronger, better, and deeper.
Today, _____ and _____ demonstrate their devotion to each other by dedicating themselves to a life together and they show their respect for each other. By setting forth to honor the vows they have created today, their lives, which began on separate paths, will be joined as one.
Today represents not only the joining of ______ and ______ but also the joining of their families and friends.
_______ and ______ would like to recognize their parents on this occasion. They offer their profound gratitude for all the love and care their parents showed in raising them. The unconditional gifts of love and support that you have continually offered have inspired them to become who they are today. Without you, this day would not be possible.
_____ have also asked that we take a moment to honor those loved ones who are not with us today
[Names of those acknowledged here]
Deep abiding affection, the magical and compelling shared impulse that makes us seek each others’ company, is among the greatest gifts of the human experience.
Any of us who has been fortunate enough to find and express the kind of loving devotion that we are celebrating here today knows that it is an awesome and beautiful thing.
At this time, I would like to share 3 suggestions with the both of you:
My first suggestion is this:
Be constantly grateful for this precious person who has chosen to make a life with you.
My second suggestion is this:
Be generous with compliments. Be attentive and helpful. The world can be a tough place and any of us can be subject to rough handling. Each of you can, by your tenderness toward each other, kind words and thoughtful actions, make your marriage and your home an uplifting refuge.
Last, but perhaps most importantly:
Make truth the unfailing bedrock of your lives together. A happy, loving marriage is built on trust and respect. That trust and respect can only be sustained if you are both deeply committed to always being open and truthful in every exchange no matter how small.
My hope for you is this:
That you have many long years to delight in each other’s company, to feel gratitude for your great fortune in having found each other.
To a make home together that is at once sheltering and welcoming, to each does meaningful, productive work at home and in the world and to love and be loved by the friends and family who have come here today to support you
_______ and ______, do you, present yourselves willingly and of your own accord to be joined in marriage?
We do.
Will you promise to care for each other in the joys and sorrows of life, come what may, and to share the responsibility for growth and enrichment of your life together?
We do.
Then please turn to each other and share your vows.
Today I promise you/that though the world may change/
and though we may change with it/
I will always love you/always treasure you/and will share all that I am with you/
I am proud, from this day forward/to be called your wife/husband
For thousands of years, men and women have exchanged rings as a token of their vows.
Let these rings be a sign that your love has a past, a present, and a future.
______, take _____’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me:
I give you this ring/as a sign that I choose you/
To be my wife/my partner/and my best friend/to the end of my days.
The love already shared by your hearts has been strengthened by the vows you have taken and the rings you have now exchanged.
______ and ______, we have heard your promise to share your lives in marriage. In the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done here today, and in accordance with the laws of the state of __________it is my honor and delight to declare you henceforth to be husband and wife.
You may seal your vows with a kiss.
While writing a wedding ceremony script may seem daunting, having a few tips, samples and guidelines go a long way in helping. We hope we have been able to achieve this in helping you along.