As a parent, you want your children to excel academically but it may be hard for you to motivate your kids to study. One of the several reasons most kids don’t really want to study is that they may be struggling with a subject and tend to lose interest. Hence, you should identify any problems your kid is having with a particular subject. If it’s something that you don’t have expertise in, you can always find and hire a tutor for them. So, for example, if you live in an area of the New Territories, Hong Kong, you can reach out to professional tutors in a Tai Wai Tuition Center (大 圍 補習 社) who best match your kid’s preference.

Nevertheless, we have mentioned 5 helpful tips in this article that will inspire your kids to study to make you a proud parent. Read below!
Tip#1: Reward Your Children
Especially with younger kids (around 3 to 5-year-olds), you need to set a milestone with a great reward that will make the studying journey appealing. Tell them you will reward them with something “extra” if they complete their homework in time.
Rewards don’t have to be high-end. It can be as simple as baking favorite cookies for them, watching their favorite movie with them, or even allowing your children an extra hour to watch their favorite cartoons.
Tip#2: Allow Game-Based Learning
Thanks to this digital age, you can find plenty of games for kids related to different subjects to catch their attention while allowing them to learn.
Whether it has to deal with solving tedious math problems, learning a language and literacy, or even developing their thinking and cognitive skills, you should find online age-appropriate games that will make them question the concepts and learn the right answers.
Tip#3: Follow a Consistent Studying Routine
You simply can’t expect your kids to study well whenever you, or even they want. It’s more about creating a consistent studying routine, so it becomes their habit.
Setting a routine will make sure your kids know when it’s time to play or relax and when it’s time to study. This will allow them to stay on track with their studies and at the same time spare time for some extracurricular activities as well.
Tip#4: Help Your Children Acknowledge the “Benefits” of Studying
Forcing your kids to study will only repel them. You should keep in mind that your kids are simply “kids” and you need to provide them with reasoning as to why they should study.
This should be followed by the cons of not studying. Rather than being seen as a strict parent, they will get the impression that you are empathetic and you honestly acknowledge their interests.
Tip#5: Take Genuine Interest in Your Kids’ Activities
If your child comes home and tells you about their day at school, you should carefully listen to them, so they know you have a genuine interest.
Even if they don’t start the conversation, you can be a conversation starter instead, and asking several questions will make them share their activities at school.
This way, you will also be able to highlight any problems they are having at school that may be discouraging them from studying effectively, so you can talk to their teacher or even guide them yourself at home.