Photo by Greta Hoffman from Pexels
Keeping your teeth clean and healthy is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. Regular brushing, flossing, and other oral hygiene practices are critical to preventing cavities, gingivitis, and other tooth-related issues. However, it’s not enough to do it once in a while – you need to adopt good habits that will keep your mouth in tip-top shape for the long haul. Improving your oral hygiene can feel like a big challenge at first, but once you get into the groove of things, you’ll find that it becomes second nature quickly.
Floss every day
While flossing is sometimes viewed as a nuisance, it is one of the essential parts of a healthy oral hygiene routine. Flossing is necessary to clean the crevices between your teeth that can cause cavities and gum disease. So be sure to floss at least once a day and develop the habit of doing it regularly.
This experienced dentist in Los Angeles also adds that you should not floss with excessive pressure. Bleeding is normal for the first 2 weeks of flossing; however, if it persists even after a couple of weeks, it may be because you’re putting too much pressure or doing it wrong. It’s best to ask your dentist on the proper way to floss in that case.
Visit your dentist regularly
Visiting your dental hygienist every few months is a great way to keep tabs on your oral health. They can tell you if your teeth show signs of wear and tear, if you have gum disease, and if you have cavities. You can also ask your dentist about cold sores. Dentists can also offer dental prophylaxis and fluoride treatments if needed. During these appointments, they can also give you tips and tricks for improving your oral health at home. It’s a good idea to see a dentist at least once a year for a complete oral check-up.
Increase your water intake
Drinking more water benefits your overall health and can help keep your mouth and teeth healthy. Water is a natural cleanser for your body and flushes toxins out toxins. You can also add some fresh lemon juice to your water for added benefits. This works because lemon juice contains a compound called citric acid, which helps to fight cavities and keep your mouth clean.
Take care of dental emergencies immediately
Even with consistent brushing and flossing, it’s not uncommon for people to experience dental emergencies. Fluoride can wear away at your tooth enamel, and cavities can also form at anytime. Visit your dentist as soon as possible if you notice symptoms- for example, go to the emergency dentist vero beach for help with a dental emergency. Draining a tooth is a typical dental emergency. If you have a toothache or a tooth that feels loose, you should go to the dentist or doctor as soon as possible, as it might need to be drained.
Don’t forget the tongue!
You might be surprised that the tongue is covered in taste buds, just like the roof of your mouth. This makes it essential for tasting your food; therefore, you need to clean your tongue. You can use a tongue scraper or a tongue brush to remove bacteria and other particles from your tongue and strengthen your oral hygiene routine. These tools are designed to clean your tongue more effectively than just brushing your tongue with a toothbrush. They also help remove excess bacteria, which can lead to bad breath.