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Are you wondering how you could drop the extra weight and tone your body for a healthier and smart look? While junk food and baked products like cakes, pizzas, and cookies are a strong temptation, you have to keep those gastronomical urges at bay if you want to lose that unpleasant flab quickly and stay physically fit. The ideal solution to shredding extra fat from your body is by avoiding fatty foods and including nutrient rich superfoods in your everyday meals. Here are the top 5 most nutritional items you must add to your regular diet for natural toning.

Whether you are looking superfoods for females, nutrient-rich veggies or top brain boosting foods, spinach is your go-to food item. Leafy and green with an abundance of plant-based omega-3s and folate, this superfood facilitates lean muscle mass development and is considered a much healthier option than most alternatives like bok choy and kale. The extra Folate in it helps regulate blood flow and keeps you young for years. A cup is enough to give you ample lutein to protect against macular degeneration.
While multivitamins and supplements add value to your nutritional intake, it is best to include organic forms of foods and fresh veggies in your diet to maximize the benefits these nutritional items contain. You may be inclined to grab that immune system boost buying a panoptic nutritional supplement packaging for essential vitamins & minerals but a natural way to get that and step up your immune system is to consume yogurt. It contains probiotics that leverage the functioning of healthy bacteria with anti cancerous properties. It also keeps your digestive tract well maintained. Aim for a cup a day for optimum results.
Carrots or Butternut Squash
Adding red, orange and yellow veggies to your meals gives you an instant boost for carotenoids. These protect against cancerous risks and minimize inflammation in the body. For example, carrots are packed with carotenoids/ fat-soluble compounds and have a low caloric density. Half a cup a day is enough to thwart any detrimental health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis & asthma. You could also go for alternatives like yellow bell pepper, mango, sweet potato, and papaya.
Blueberries or Strawberries
Blueberries are a rich source of vitamin A and C as well as fiber. These ingredients help prevent diabetes, cancer, and aging associated health conditions like memory impairment. We call them brain berries and a superfood because they pack antioxidants that step up the cognitive system functionality. Moreover, they improve your metabolic activity to protect against cardiovascular diseases. Aim for a cup of raw or frozen blueberries, raisins or strawberries in your meals every day.
Black Beans
Much like Lima beans, peas or lentils, black beans are the healthiest option for improving your emotional wellbeing. Termed as the best brain food, aside from walnuts, these beams are beneficial for your cardiovascular system as well. A half cup intake a day of this low-calorie superfood offers about 7.5 grams of fiber and almost 8 grams of protein for a healthier metabolism. You also get anthocyanins antioxidants to keep your brain functioning at optimal levels.