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Substance abuse is a complicated problem. From prescription drugs to alcohol, cocaine to marijuana, there seems to be an increasing number of people actively abusing these substances. Globally, the number of people suffering from substance addiction is frighteningly huge. According to a 2017 report by the American addiction center, about 38 percent of adult Americans suffer from some form of substance abuse. That same year, a similar report indicated that one out of every eight adult Americans battled with drug and alcohol abuse simultaneously. This means a huge number of people are desperately in need of professional help, like a drug rehab in South Florida, without even realizing it. Recovering from hard drugs is one of the most challenging obstacles a person can face in their life. Especially when it comes to drugs like heroin. Understanding heroin addiction is one of the most crucial steps you must take before you even begin your road to recovery.

Drug or alcohol abuse takes a toll on the mind and body. Most times, it leaves very devastating emotional scars in the life of abusers and their loved ones. But it’s not all hopeless, even the ‘most indulged’ of abusers have succeeded in overcoming addiction. If this sounds like you, be sure to get treatment at an established rehab center as soon as possible.
If you or your loved one is battling with substance addiction, taking part in a professional rehab program is usually an important first step. However, a lot of people trying to find their way out of substance abuse live in denial. Because denial can be quite powerful, most abusers find it hard to come to terms with the truth – the truth that they need professional help. Besides, the symptoms of drug addiction can be difficult to detect. If you are noticing drastic changes in your behavior you should not neglect them. These are the warning signs of drug abuse that can help you determine if there’s a problem that requires professional help. If you are struggling with any form of drug abuse, and you aren’t sure what step exactly to take next, below are five signs it may be time you visited a drug rehab center to get drug addiction treatment.
Frequent Relapse
Substance abuse can be very intense, which means getting rid of it could be quite tricky. The biggest problem of substance abusers is not to stop using – it’s relatively easy to stop using for a short time. The problem is usually to stay clean – which means to stop using and actually remain that way without going back to abuse.
As you can imagine, most people who realize they are gripped by some form of substance abuse try different methods to escape. A huge number of people try to sort things out themselves as well as reaching out to local self-help groups. But most times, these methods lack the tools and needed intensity to drag them out of abuse and also effectively keep them away from it.
If you’ve tried severally on your own to get rid of addiction without luck, then it might be a big indicator that your best chance is through getting professional help. A good drug rehab center will provide programs with enough intensity to keep you clean.
Experienced Social Problems Because Of Abuse
Job loss and failing relationships are just a few in the long list of social problems associated with abuse. As far as drug use is concerned, you’re sure to experience a few social problems. However, when it spirals to problems that affect your relationship or performance at your work – then you have an emergency worthy of professional help. Even if you’re still living in denial – where you believe you’re still in control – this is usually a clear sign that things are definitely not under control.
If you find yourself in this frustrating stage of reality, it’s usually the best time the hit a drug rehab center. The drug rehab treatment center in Orange County operated by the professionals who understand your emotions and feelings, get where you’re coming from and have the knowledge to counsel you out of the mess of substance abuse.
Experiencing Health Problems
While you can sometimes get through social problems arising from substance abuse, its toll on your health could be much more devastating. Being a ‘victim of substance abuse’ significantly increases your risk of equally being a victim of a wide range of other health problems.
A popular health problem associated with substance abuse is usually rapid weight loss. For example, abusing alcohol can cause severe damages to your brain, heart or liver. You also run a higher risk of cardiovascular failure as a result of abusive usage of stimulants.
Of course, these are not the only health risk. The health problems victims face will depend greatly on the drug being abused and the intensity of the abuse. Nonetheless, if you are experiencing any health problem as a result of abuse, it is almost certainly the single most important sign that you need a rehab program.
Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms
Abusing any addictive substance will not necessarily make you experience withdrawal symptoms. You could as well be at the peak of abuse without experiencing any of it. However, it’s usually an important indicator to watch out for.
Withdrawal symptoms start kicking in when you stop abusive usage of substances you’re currently abusing. It’s an ironic way of your body saying it has gotten conditioned to those substances you abuse and still desperately needs it. This usually occurs as a result of making conscious efforts to stop abusing the substance or when you run out of supply. Though the symptoms you may experience depends on the substance you’re trying to discontinue, difficulty concentrating, tremors, anxiety, hallucinations, memory loss and disturbed sleeping are popular withdrawal symptoms to look out for. Any sight of withdrawal symptoms is usually a sign you may have to seek professional help.