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Relationships are complicated, and long-term speaking, you will probably come across a few challenges. The way you choose to act when things aren’t going that well could either make or break your love life. Perhaps you and your significant other no longer experience the connection you once did, or there’s simply no spark there anymore. If you don’t want to watch your feelings die out, but rekindle the passion between the two of you, then it’s time to take some action.

Going through a rough patch is often normal for couples who’ve been together for a long time, that doesn’t mean that you need to end things, at least not until you’ve tried a few tactics and tried to set things on the right track again.
What should you focus on here? What are the secrets to a better love life? Here are some tips that are likely to improve your relationship, regardless of the problems you might currently have:
Go on dates
Seeing each other every day doesn’t mean you are actually spending quality time together. Going grocery shopping or running errands together won’t be enough if you want to retrigger passion and spark. One of the first actions to take, when something feels off in your relationship, is trying to do once again the things you used to do when your first started dating. Go on dates, and as many of them as possible. A romantic dinner at the restaurant, a movie at the cinema, a walk in the park on a Sunday morning – think of the activities that helped you bond in the beginning, and start including them in your schedule once again. Routine and monotony can kill even the strongest relationship, so make sure the two of you are actually focusing on yourselves as a couple.
Spice things up in the bedroom – making physical intimacy a priority again
One of the fundamental secrets of an excellent relationship is a healthy and rewarding intimate physical life. If things aren’t going well in the bedroom, problems will start to appear in other areas of your relationship as well. When sexual satisfaction isn’t ensured, couples tend to fight more, drift apart and even start looking for that physical chemistry elsewhere.
Although at the start of your relationship, you probably couldn’t get your hands off each other, things tend to change over time, and physical intimacy becomes less of a priority in long-term relationships. This can however be the factor that causes a potential breakup, so it’s time to spice things up in the bedroom. A few ideas that usually work great are:
- Experiment with sex toys – if you’ve become used to the same “vanilla sex” every time, you should start by changing that. Consider experimenting with intimacy toys. Vibrators, handcuffs, vibrators – keep an open mind and dare to try something new. An adult product like this can make intimacy exciting again.
- Set the scene – sometimes, a few lighted candles, some romantic music and a glass of wine are all you need to set the right mood. Take action and be the one to set the scene for passion.
- Be spontaneous – putting physical intimacy on the calendar is not exactly the way to go here. Surprise your partner and initiate physical intimacy “out of the blue”.
- Step outside the bedroom – whether it’s in the living room, by the fire place, in the shower or even on the kitchen table, step outside the bedroom, and be adventurous in places you haven’t before. This can truly change a dull intimacy life.
Develop a hobby together
Hobbies are an essential element of a satisfying lifestyle. Sharing a common passion for something can get two people closer together. While you might already have a hobby or two, get your partner on board as well, or find something you both show an interest in. Whether it’s hiking, playing tennis or collecting antiques, a shared hobby will contribute to your love status.
Learn to communicate better
Lack of effective communication is one of the most frequently encountered problems in relationships, and the factor that can lead to breakups. In order to make an improvement in this department, what you should do first is becoming a better listener. Are you actually considerate of your partner’s feelings? Are you encouraging them to speak up and always say what’s on their mind? Find ay in which you can improve how you communicate. Set some time before going to bed at night to talk about your day. Know what questions to ask them and be fully present in each one of your conversations. Talking about both the good and the bad of your relationship will bring you closer together.
Figure out what you want!
Last but not least, you need to be well-aware of your needs and your wants. The reason you may be currently drifting away from your significant other is that they aren’t offering you the things you actually want in a partner. But how will they be able to do that if even you don’t know what you truly want? Try to figure out what you really expect from the person next to you, and own up to the things you want. Before you can make any improvements, you first need to be honest with yourself. Even if that means admitting that in some cases, the person you’re in a relationship with might just not be the one. When you and your significant other seem to have lost that spark, instead of watching your relationship fail, you should consider trying out a few things first. While there is no exact recipe for a happy and fulfilling love life, some tips can work remarkably well, regardless of situation. As long as both you and your partner are willing to put in some extra effort, you will be able to notice an improvement. Reconnect and revive your passion following these few recommendations. Each one of these suggestions has its own role and could help you figure out what was missing from your relationship.