Your hormones are essential messengers for coordinating important functions in your body, like metabolism, fertility, and growth. Although your body is well-versed in overcoming changes, you can start to undergo significant shifts as you age or due to health issues. Generally, a hormonal imbalance can occur for numerous reasons, but for women, it’s because of menopause. This is where Cypress BioTe pellet therapy comes into play. Pellet therapies are instrumental in helping regulate your body with nutrients and hormones it needs to stay fresh and in the right tune. Additionally, if your hormone levels are low or imbalanced, you might consider having a BioTe hormone therapy pellet to relieve symptoms. Mostly, this type of hormonal replacement may be right for you if:

1. You are experiencing troublesome symptoms of menopause
Technically, many women start to experience menopause at age 45 to 55. If you have reached your prime or are approaching menopause, its symptoms can change from mild to severe. These symptoms can rob your sexual desire, plunge you into depression and cause painful vaginal itching and dryness. Weight gain, anxiety, painful sex, night sweats, low libido, and osteoporosis are common problems associated with imbalanced or depleted hormones. If you have already started to experience such issues, it might be wise to seek BioTe therapy.
2. You want a consistent flow and release of hormones
Immediately after your therapy, the pellets start realizing a steady stream of hormones. Compared to other forms of HRTs, BioTe therapy doesn’t have hormone surges or peaks. Therefore, your mood will be activated all day, thus improving your productivity.
3. You want a natural therapy
Medically, BioTe uses bioidentical hormones, which are similar to natural hormones. Unlike other hormone replacement products like creams, rings, patches, and pills, BioTe pellets don’t incorporate artificial fillers
4. You want to curtail your risk of side effects
Depending on the therapy you select, some risks are associated. However, unlike HRTs, BioTe minimizes side effects and is effective for any gender. Among the numerous reasons, BioTe is effective is because it uses bioidentical hormones and slowly releases hormones over time. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about peaks associated with other hormone-regulating products. Similarly, unlike creams and gels, the BioTe pellets deliver hormones into your bloodstream, thus addressing all underlying symptoms.
5. Other hormone replacement products have failed you
Have you tried HRT products with no proven results? Or maybe the products didn’t eliminate your symptoms, and some even worsened your condition? Due to its effectiveness and proven results, many patients who’ve had bad past HRT experiences find the BioTe treatment serves all their needs accordingly. This is typical because the dose is specifically tailored to your hormonal issues.
Considering the many benefits of BioTe therapy, you no longer have to suffer the consequences of other hormonal products. Furthermore, discussing your symptoms with your doctor before deciding on the proper technique is crucial.
At Balle Bliss Luxury Medical Spa, Dr. Guljeet Sohal, MD, and her team will thoroughly analyze your symptoms before professionally offering BioTe treatment therapy. In addition, the team issues follow-ups to ensure you achieve your desired goal. To enjoy the benefits of BioTe therapy, consider scheduling your session with Dr. Sahul today!