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The condition of the skin is directly related to the health of the digestive system. The quality of consumed food has an effect on the accumulation of toxins and the production of sebum. No matter how carefully you do care about skin cleaning, if you eat fast food or food saturated with trans fats, all this will show up with skin problems. Many foods contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. The organism, first of all, spends all useful substances for the normal functioning of the internal systems and only then distributes the rest for needs of the skin, hair and fingernails or nails. So make sure that you get the vitamins in the right amount. However, it should be noted that taking vitamins in the form of tablets does not solve the problem and has only a temporary effect. The optimal assimilation of all useful substances for the body is due to a qualitative and balanced diet. Nuts, fruits, fresh vegetables should be a part of your daily diet. Pay attention to foods high in Vitamins A, E and acids like Omega 3 because they are directly involved in the proper functioning of the skin.
More Water, Please!
Water is the basis of all human processes. Drinking plenty of water improves the water balance in the body and speeds up metabolism. Part of the water we lose through the skin and for glowing skin moisture is needed. In addition, water helps to remove toxins and therefore gets involved in skin cleansing by natural means. Remember to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day. Juices, tea, coffee and other drinks are not included.
Handmade or Natural Cosmetics
It is better not to use any makeup than the one that brings harm. Do you choose a new mask or scrub? Slow down and do not chase after novelties. Many products from your fridge can cope with the task. Admit yourself that you are just too lazy to strain. Once again, after buying a jar of a miracle cream, do you go to bed with a calm soul? If your goal is smooth and fresh skin, you will have to make an effort. The Internet offers a lot of recipes for home cosmetics, so be sure that you can pick them up. Besides no suspicious components, you will know exactly what was put in the composition. Of course, the rhythm of the modern life limits the time to spend on yourself, but you can stock up victuals for a few days for sure.
Active Lifestyle
Sports are hard to overestimate. In the aspect of healthy skin, they also play a great role. Among the main advantages are
- the improvement of blood circulation (the enrichment of the skin with oxygen)
- an active opening of the pores (get rid of toxins in the skin)
- anti-aging effect (natural production of collagen)
- reduce the level of stress (create endorphins)
Train the muscles of the body, and do not forget to give time to the muscles of the face. Facebuilding is an excellent complex of exercises focused on facial rejuvenation and has a powerful lifting effect. Self-massage will become an excellent addition. Your skin will necessarily get a fresh look but move on the main massage lines.
Clean Your Supplies
How often do you wash sponges, brushes and makeup applicators? Do you have a towel for the face only? All supplies are excellent breeding grounds for bacteria. In the ideal version, you should wash all accessories after every use. The way we wash and wipe the face is a special issue. The first, it is best to wash with cool water or slightly warm. It tones the skin. Secondly, when you wipe your face, do not rub it, but soak it with gentle movements. It is best to use a disposable soft napkin. Such packs of napkins are inexpensive, but they bring a colossal benefit. The use of various cosmetic products makes life easier for us. The truth is that the first step to shining skin is a healthy lifestyle and caring for the body as a whole. Live in harmony with yourself and be cheerful. Stress and depression give a tired and exhausted look to your skin. Walk more often in the fresh air and add new pleasant emotions.