Joint pains are limiting because they make regular activities difficult and unbearable. Arthritis remains the most common form of joint pain affecting people of all ages. You can seek joint pain Hoboken evaluation if you want relief from the causes of your pain. Different causes of joint pain may present different symptoms, therefore evaluating the exact cause. There are no known cures for arthritis, but you can get relief and management options to help you continue your regular activities. Read on to understand the common causes of joint pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Your immune system may start attacking the lining of the joints leading to rheumatoid arthritis. The condition may be chronic and can occur on any joints in the sides of your body, affecting other body parts such as the skin, mouth, and eyes. You may experience pain in your knees, ankles, fingers, toes, and wrists, among other body parts. You will likely experience tenderness, swelling, and stiffness after sitting for long, fatigue, and weakness. The condition can easily pass from one person to the next in your family.
The degenerative joint disease mostly develops as you continue to age. You can develop any two forms of osteoarthritis, primary and secondary osteoarthritis. The primary form affects the big toes, thumbs, spine, knees, and fingers. On the other hand, secondary osteoarthritis develops with an underlying joint abnormality, such as a sports-related injury. You may develop pain that progresses over time and usually increases with stressful activities like running. Your doctor cannot use any blood test to diagnose osteoarthritis but will use clues to find other forms of arthritis.
Gout causes inflammation in the joints, thus causing pain and swelling, mostly in the big toe, but it may affect the knee, wrist, and foot. Uric acid levels affect the development of gout, thus putting men at a higher risk than women. Your symptoms may include intense pain, stiffness, redness, warmth, swelling, and tenderness. You may have to limit foods such as alcohol, red meat, fruit sugar, and alcohol to reduce purine levels that increase uric acid levels. Certain medications, such as immunosuppressants and diuretics, are also likely to increase uric acid levels.
The connective tissues in your tendons may become inflamed due to repetitive actions, causing pain. You are likely to develop tendinitis if you have poor posture, have underlying conditions such as kidney diseases, are older adults, and take certain medications. Pain from tendonitis may be sudden and develop gradually to severe levels.
Bursitis causes pain and swelling in the bursa, which reduces friction and inflammation in the body. You may develop the condition from irritation due to overuse and pressure. However, you can reduce stress and pressure on the affected area to avoid long-term irritations. Bursitis symptoms include pain, limited motion, swelling, redness, and fever.
You can get an evaluation at Downtown Pain Management for any form of joint pain. The medical team will offer different diagnosis options to identify the source of pain. After your diagnosis, your doctor will make a customized treatment for pain, including medications and management tips depending on the condition. Seek treatment today when you call the facility to request your online appointment.