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As parents, we all need to realize that our children model quite a bit of their behavior after us. This means we need to set the best example possible and show our children how to behave properly. The lessons learned from parents at a young age are ingrained in a person’s thinking patterns. Something like good hygiene being taught can follow a child far into their adulthood. The following are areas to set an example and tips to help you set a great one!
A child that see their mother or father go to work and do their best on a daily basis can learn the value of hard work. Those parents who lie to their bosses about being sick and who constantly show up late instill this in their children. Stressing important lessons like that of always being on time to respect the time of others is paramount throughout life. Showing up late to an interview can cost you the job of your dreams or if you arrive late to a date it can cost you the love of your life. If you teach anything to your child about being a professional, make it being on time as well as hitting deadlines consistently.
Fitness Levels
Living an active lifestyle does not mean sitting on the couch all weekend and watching Netflix or sports. Making an effort to do something that will benefit the health of the family is important. A family bike ride or basketball game are great avenues to stay active and exercise as well as bond. Fitness levels for you as a parent are important as you want to be alive as long as possible for your family. Take up a healthy hobby like hiking or kayaking and watch your energy levels skyrocket.
Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is where a mother will have the most control over their children. The misconception that healthy eating has to taste poorly could not be further from the truth. It is just easier for many cooks to put butter and cheese all over food in order to make it taste halfway decent. Teach your children how to cook in a healthy manner and this will help them throughout their lives. A college student that is a great cook can avoid cleanup duty when cooking for roommates as well as control what is being eaten. Do not rely on fast food as this is something that your child will most likely model their behavior after once they grow up.
Clean Home
A clean home can do a myriad of things for a family and is a great thing to teach children. This will allow the family to save money as their possessions will last longer when put away than on the floor. The benefits of a clean home are plentiful and keeping personal space clean is important. Teaching organizational skills can help your child become cleaner and can even help them in school. Disorganized students are more likely to miss an assignment or lose something in the abyss that certain student’s backpacks can be.
Personal Interaction
The largest lesson that you can teach your children is that of how to interact with others. Being verbally abusive or rude to a person will be interpreted by your child as the right thing to do in certain situations. A huge lesson can be to be as polite to someone who is serving a meal at a restaurant. Too many people abuse their power as a customer to make the server feel lesser simply because they are working for a tip. A child will think that people in certain jobs should be treated with less respect due to the way many children think. Treat every personal interaction as if your child was watching because next time they could be.