When summer rolls around the corner, there are three sounds you can hear: birds chirping, children playing, and air conditioners whirring. Yes, that summer season is also the season of the air conditioners, as more and more homes whip out their AC units for the first time in almost a year!
Air conditioners are associated with luxury, and who can blame them? It’s blissfully comfortable to sleep in an air conditioned room during the height of the summer season. However, with comfort comes costs, and aircon units are notorious for their high maintenance costs. Here are 5 hacks to lower those aircon expenses so you can enjoy your summer to the fullest:
- Get your AC unit cleaned before summer starts
Just right after spring ends and before the heat of summer begins, have your air conditioner checked, cleaned, and serviced so you can spend all summer in blissful coolness! Air conditioning repairs and maintenance needs to be serviced at least twice a year, and doing so before summer starts gives you a head start on prepping for the hottest time of the year.
Avail aircon maintenance services from your local AC company, such as John’s Air Conditioning, and have your air conditioning unit serviced from top to bottom, especially if you haven’t had your AC unit cleaned in a while. Scout for quotes and compare prices from reputable companies for the best value, and ask for a chemical wash if you haven’t had your unit maintained in over a year.
Your air conditioner will last longer too when you maintain a schedule for professional cleaning, with a company such as Altitude Air Solutions, and you won’t have to worry about filthy air circulation or your unit breaking down in the middle of a hot summer day when you tackle the task before the season starts.
- Make your own wax air fresheners
Expensive air fresheners on the market are often made with harsh chemicals that are not good for our health and can cause allergies. Many “natural” scents also don’t smell anything like their true to life counterparts (like, those pine air fresheners smell nothing like a spring forest!). Make your own with some bee or soy wax, and the essential oils of your choice.
Melt some wax over the stove or in a microwave, and add 20-40 drops of your preferred essential oils. Take a round mold or plastic ice cream tub lid, and pour in your melted wax in a thin, but even, layer. Add in some dried flowers or fruits, and let the wax set. Poke a hole for the string and tie to your air conditioner vents.
- Put up a cover for your outdoor unit
The outdoor unit needs as much care as the indoor unit; maybe even more so since it stays outside and is exposed to the elements. Any damage to the outdoor unit is costly, as repairs would be extensive given the exposure to moisture, heat, and natural elements.
You can purchase or make a ventilated cover for your outdoor unit to shield it from dirt and debris, as well as animals that may take refuge in the warmth of the outdoor unit. Covers for outdoor units are typically made from plastic or wood, and are weather resistant as well as have a lace-like design for the air to pass through easily.
- Clean the filters regularly
One of the best ways for you to maintain your air conditioning unit is to clean your AC filters regularly. The filters block out dust from re-entering the room along with the cooled air, so they trap a lot of debris that needs to be removed.
In the summer, where people typically use their air conditioners more often, the filters gather more dust than usual. Clean out the filters every two weeks by removing the filter, and washing them with soap and running water. Let the filters dry before placing them back in the unit. This simple step prevents your air conditioner from breaking down, costing you in repairs.
- Let inverters run for at least 4 hours a day at 26 degrees at most
Inverter type AC units have become more popular in the past decade, with most brands offering their own inverter model. Inverter air conditioners work to save electricity – and thus, saving money, by regulating the temperature of the room for an optimal balance between comfort and energy consumption.
For most homeowners who have inverter AC units, however, they may be surprised that their electricity bill did not decrease even after switching to inverters. Many still do not know that for an inverter aircon to be at peak energy-saving, the unit must run for at least 4 hours a day at a temperature of 26 degrees or higher. You still get that cool comfort, but at a lessened expense!