Most working mothers understand the struggle of keeping a clean house while working full time, taking care of children, and putting dinner on the table. Cleaning hacks can help you keep your home clean and tidy without causing you undue stress.

1. Hire a Cleaning Service
Most working moms find that the idea of hiring a cleaning service would make them a failure. However, that is so far from the truth. Many working moms can never find enough hours in the day to get everything done after a long day at work.
What’s more, trying to find the motivation after helping the kids with homework and making dinner can be almost impossible. While you may think a house cleaning service is not in the budget, you might be surprised to find some companies charge less than one hundred dollars for three hours of work.
2. Set Achievable Goals
Goals can be very arbitrary. While having goals can be a good thing, they are often a double-edged sword. Completing a goal can be very rewarding. However, when a goal is not completed, it can leave you feeling like a failure.
Many people use the expression: if you do not do it right the first time, do not do it at all. But, you might find that the expression: doing something halfway, is better than not doing anything at all, tends to work better. Not only will you reach your goal almost every time, but many times you will surpass it.
One good example of this is if your whole kitchen decides to explode and there are messes everywhere instead of stressing out, start with the counters and get those done. Then see if you feel more motivated to wash those dishes or maybe just rinse them off instead. This tip can help relieve stress and help you feel like you have achieved your goal of helping your house stay cleaner for longer.
3. Power Tools Can Be Fun
Power tools are surprisingly helpful when cleaning showers, toilets, sinks, and even more. One way to make them useable for cleaning is to have cleaning attachments for your cordless drill. Yes, they actually sell these and many people use them to deep clean their home! This hack also helps your husbands get interested in cleaning the house since they get to use their power tools for something, even if that something is cleaning a shower!
4. Make It Fun For The Kids Too
Little helpers, or kids, can be a hit or miss when it comes to helping you clean the house. That being said, there are a few products that make cleaning fun for kids of most ages. Items such as a child-sized vacuum, which works just like a real vacuum, can help your kiddos have fun but still help with the chores.
Also, young children actually enjoy helping with chores around the house. Whether it’s putting their toys away, helping you separate laundry, or putting shoes in the closet they’ll be glad to help out. Offer incentives like 10 extra minutes of play time or some candy after dinner to spice things up just a little more.
Keeping Your House Clean Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult
There are many ways to keep your home clean that doesn’t involve you doing everything yourself. Hire a cleaning service, set achievable goals, or get your spouse or children to help. As a working mom, asking for help does not make you a failure. In fact, it means you deeply care about the needs of your home and your family.