Facing a criminal charge is nothing to take lightly. You need a defense lawyer who can do everything legally possible to represent you. Along with choosing one of the assault lawyers for that representation, it’s up to you to cooperate with the lawyer in every way that you can. You should contact criminal defense lawyer in west palm beach if you need help and also here are four tips that will help you accomplish that and hopefully be able to avoid a conviction.

Be Completely Honest With Your Legal Counsel
Under no circumstances should you hold back any information from your lawyer. It doesn’t matter if you think that something really has no bearing on the case or if you would rather not involve someone in what’s happening. Everything must be shared with your legal counsel, who then will sift through it and identify what does and does not matter.
You’re in no position to assess the value of anything remotely associated with the case. By contrast, competent criminal lawyers will pick up on details that mean little to you but could mean a lot to your case. By trusting your legal counsel to know what to do with the information you provide, the odds of mounting a successful defense are enhanced.
While Remaining Close-Lipped With Everyone Else
While you want to be completely open and honest with your legal counsel, the same does not apply to others who may make inquires about the case. It’s in your best interests to say as little as possible. Be somewhat broad and vague when anyone is asking about the case. All you really need to say is that your lawyer is working on it and then change the subject.
The reason for being so tight-lipped with the information is that you don’t want to say anything that could undermine your lawyer’s efforts. According to Madison Branson, even something that seems innocuous to you could be ammunition for the prosecuting attorney. By choosing to say little to nothing, you reduce the risk of saying anything that could jeopardize the case.
Make Yourself Available When Your Lawyer Needs to Talk
Your lawyer will need to talk with you from time to time. It may be face to face meetings, phone calls, email exchanges, or quick texts. Whatever form the communication takes, do your best to respond as quickly as possible.
The lawyer needs to communicate with you for a reason. In some cases, your quick response makes it all the easier for the legal counsel to proceed with some action that’s important to your situation.
A quick response means things get done in a more timely manner.
“Trust is a crucial element in the attorney-client relationship and it is essential for strong defense strategies. By communicating openly and following your criminal defense lawyers‘ advice, you can work together to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.” – lawyer from Meltzer & Bell, P.A
And Let the Lawyer Take the Lead in the Courtroom
The day that you enter the courtroom, the point is for you to remain present while your lawyer does the talking. At certain points, you may want to stand and say something. Resist that urge. Anything that needs to be conveyed to the lawyer can be done using a note pad or it can wait until there’s a short recess. You can bet that the court will note the fact that you choose to remain collected and not interrupt the proceedings.
The bottom line is that you sought out someone like Jeff Mass, Toronto criminal lawyer to handle the defense. Do everything possible to support your legal counsel and rest assured that the lawyer will do everything legally possible to ensure your rights are protected at every step of the way.