People often take their clothes to the dry cleaners for convenience and assume it’s safe. But you’d be surprised to learn the traditional dry cleaning methods can be harmful to your health, your clothes, and the environment.
As people become more aware of climate change issues, more are beginning to search out organic dry cleaners. If you aren’t using a truly green organic dry cleaners near me, then you may be better off doing the laundry yourself.

Here are 4 things you didn’t know about organic dry cleaners.
1. No Petrochemicals
Traditional dry cleaning methods include the use of harsh petroleum-based cleaning solvents and petrochemicals. These solvents and chemicals are so strong that they sometimes damage clothing while also presenting health and environmental hazards. Many of these petrochemicals are known carcinogens that have been banned in other countries. They have been known to cause birth defects, brain bleeding, certain cancers, and a whole host of other serious health issues.
2. No Middlemen
Most dry cleaners send your laundry out to a large dry cleaning plant. They don’t own the expensive equipment it takes to get the job done so they sub it out. Clothes may be tagged and pre-treated for stains beforehand if everyone is doing their job that day.
Then clothes are often sent out to the lowest bidder who may be using the cheapest solvents possible. It takes a few days to get your clothes back not because the dry cleaner is so busy but because they must wait for your clothes to be transported back to them. They can’t guarantee results because they aren’t the ones actually doing the work.
3. Environmentally-Friendly
Foods and processes that are labeled as “organic” give people the idea that they are naturally safer. Thanks to food and grocery marketing the term “organic” has a general definition that can include many items and services. If they come from the earth, they can be included under the “organic” label. Perc is the most popularly used dry cleaning solvent even though it is notoriously dangerous.
Perc, and all other petrochemicals for that matter, are derived from petroleum. Petroleum comes from the earth just like gasoline. Unfortunately, this gives many dry cleaners the license to label themselves as “organic” even though their process isn’t green, environmentally friendly, or safe. It’s all a marketing ploy to get your business.
4. Better Than Traditional Methods
Truly green dry cleaning is much safer and gentler than traditional solvent and petroleum based dry cleaning. In fact, it is a silicone based process that has been patented and trademarked. This effective silicone based technology works differently and is much better for your clothing. There are no harsh chemicals left behind on your clothing because chemicals are not used in the process.
A truly green silicone solvent dissolves into sand and water during the cleaning process. It is highly effective at cleaning and removing stains from clothing and special garments. It is also good for the environment and safe for people. The silicone based process leaves no traces of harsh chemicals or solvents on clothing because none are used.
Find Organic Dry Cleaners Near Me
Supposedly organic dry cleaners dot street corners in metropolitan areas. However, you won’t know if they are truly green unless you ask the right questions. Ask about the solvents they use in the cleaning process, if they send clothes to a third party, and other concerns addressed above. You’ll be sure to find an organic dry cleaning company you can trust.