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Assigning chores to your children is a great way to improve their level of responsibility and get them involved in the work that needs to be done, but there are something you need to know so that you don’t make some of the more common mistakes that parents will make.

1. Start Small
You want your kids to learn how to sweep, clean up after themselves, wash dishes and even make food, but you shouldn’t try to teach them everything at once. Make sure they are comfortable with one kind of chore and can do it unsupervised before you move onto another one. Some chores will always need supervision, at least in your kids’ early years. Cooking is one of those. Make sure you let them move at a pace that is comfortable for them at first so that they enjoy their work rather than get frustrated by it.
2. Point Out the Positives
Your child will not do their chores well every time, especially at first. They may miss something important or do something the wrong way, and that’s okay. Making mistakes is part of the learning process. Be sure to call out anything they do right, and especially when you want to point out a mistake. If you are going to tell them that they did something wrong (and you will have to at times to get them to learn the right method), then be sure to also tell them what they did right. If you are negative all the time, then they won’t want to do their chores. They all fear punishment and disapproval instead of looking forward to having done a job well.
3. Make the Work Fun
This is probably one of the hardest things for parents to do when it comes to getting kids to do chores, because it can take so much effort. You have to do the encouragement, though. You have to set the mood and get everyone happy and working well. This can be especially hard when you have multiple children displaying a variety of bad attitudes. You have to find ways to make things fun for everyone and get the work to be enjoyable.
You can do that by playing music, making a contest out of the work and offering a reward to those who get their work done first or best. You can also change out the jobs so that they are not doing the same chores every day.
4. Give Them a BreakKids also need a chance to relax and not have to do their chores all the time. If you are giving them a lot of work to do and aren’t sure how to make it up to them, one thing you can do for them is give them a chance to take a break. You can have a night out and even hire someone to do the cleaning for them says Carly From Move Out Cleaning Services Calgary. That can be a great way to reward their efforts and not make them feel overwhelmed by all that they have to do.