Having a baby is an incredibly exciting time in your life. You experience the miracle of life and witness the tiny creature that will one day become your child. But, it’s not all glitz and glamour; there are some things about pregnancy that nobody tells you about until you’re actually going through them. Here are four things nobody tells you about being pregnant:
Your hormones will affect you, most weirdly.
Those who have been pregnant know that your hormones are all over the place. When you’re pregnant, your body produces a lot of them, which can have crazy effects on your body.
One of these effects is that they can make you feel like you’re experiencing and even acting out the same emotions that someone else is feeling—even if they’re not! This is called empathy, which happens during pregnancy because of all those hormones in your system. So if you feel like someone else’s emotions are affecting you, don’t worry: it’s normal!
According to hyline dental in naperville, you’re also more susceptible to gum diseases during pregnancy because of the hormonal imbalance. That’s why it’s important that you visit your dentist regularly and include vitamin C in your diet.
You’ll have that new mom glow, but your skin won’t.
While you’re glowing inside, your skin is probably a mess. Of course, pregnancy hormones are to blame for the acne breakouts, but there are other issues as well. For example, pregnancy’s excess skin and fat can cause sagging, making it look like you’ve aged ten years in eight months.
And with all that extra blood flow to your body comes an increased risk for varicose veins and stretch marks, although some studies suggest that topical vitamin E may reduce their appearance.
This isn’t just a cosmetic issue—it’s also a practical one: with more fluid retention than normal, your skin may be sensitive to sunlight and heat.
You’ll suddenly be super forgetful.
You’ll suddenly be super forgetful. You’ll forget where you put things, like your phone or keys. You’ll also forget things like birthdays and anniversaries, which will feel especially bad if you’re a planner. You may even have trouble remembering to do important things, like pay your bills or take vitamins daily.
You’ll want to eat all kinds of weird food combinations.
When you’re pregnant, your body goes through some pretty crazy changes. Your hormones fluctuate like crazy, you’re gaining weight at an alarming rate, and you just feel weird. You might not be able to explain why; it might just be a feeling, but there is one thing somewhere, like the Embrace Grace support group, that it’s okay to embrace your pregnancy and whatever it throws at you.
These are just a few things you probably didn’t know about the pregnancy experience. Naturally, you’re going to do something you never thought possible, like crave pickles or want to cry at the drop of a hat. But that’s okay. Pregnancy is a fantastic time that can be full of joy, laughter, and even some tears. However, if you struggle, remember that there is help for you, whether in your family, through pregnancy groups, or even by speaking to your doctor.