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If you are currently a mother, then you already know the joys and the stresses of being a parent. It is a feeling like no other, and the trials motherhood puts you through are tougher than any other challenge you may ever encounter. But the benefits of having a child are those that only a mother can truly understand; friends who do not have children cannot comprehend the wonders a child brings to your life.

At some point during a woman’s first pregnancy, whether it is at the moment the doctor announces you are with child, or farther along when you are in the second trimester, fear takes hold. Fear of not knowing how to raise a child; fear of the lifestyle change that will be required; fear of being responsible for another human being. But the second you hold that child in your arms, fear completely vanishes.
If you are planning on having a child, through natural means, adoption, or in vitro fertilization, or if you are already pregnant with your first child, then you are in for an experience like no other. Here are some of the benefits of becoming a new mom.
There is a piece of wall art that says “A child fills a hole in your heart you didn’t even know was there.” This sums up motherhood. Caring for that little baby, who relies on you for everything, will fill your heart with so much love that you didn’t even know you were missing. The first time your little one smiles up at you, your heart will just melt.
As they start to grow older, you will look forward to seeing them develop. You will cheer them as they start to walk. You will enjoy getting to know them as their personality starts shining through. Every boo-boo, every “up,” every tear, will have you loving them more. And they will show you that love right back!
Diaper Changes Galore!
It is a necessary evil, but your child will have to be changed. What is great about this “activity” is not what is in the diaper; it is how your spouse reacts to having to change the diaper. Men often overreact to the sight and smell of a messy diaper. This will give you an opportunity to laugh at his ridiculous gagging, holding his breath, and wearing gloves to do what you do without gloves. Remember these moments; they are not all about the baby per se.
Play Dates
New moms may struggle with getting out of the house. Their lives become so enamored with the child, they lose all traces of being an adult. They are not sure where they can go with their baby or toddler. New moms only know they need to get out of the house. They need to find some adult interaction. That is why you will want to set up playdates.
Get together with other moms. Find social groups online and join them when they meet at parks or mall playgrounds or going to the library. Let the kids play while you and the other moms discuss the adult things you so desperately desire.
Peas Up the Nose
Not just peas, but all sorts of other things. At times, these incidents can be scary. Others, they can be gross, like when you end up squeezing those peas trying to get them out. It happens, and there is no way to prevent it completely. You just have to be prepared for when it happens, and try to reduce it as much as possible by preventing them having access to dangerous items.
Thinking like a mom will be tough for first-timers. Raising a child will be even tougher. But the light and joy they bring to your household will far outweigh the gross diapers and the snotty peas.