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That special time you spend traipsing around, through trees and mud in the great outdoors is an important part of childhood. The knowledge gained through exploration within nature is paramount to a child’s development. But if you’re a parent, then you know all too well that while there are many adventures to be had outdoors, there are also dozens of hazards to be aware of at all times, to keep your children safe and healthy. Many of those hazards exist in the form of pests; some are specific to one region while other types can be found globally. And while some bugs may just be bothersome, there are insects scattered across that laundry list of potentially dangerous pests that have the ability to cause severe illness or pain in children.
- Brown Recluses
While there are a large variety of bugs to worry about, it’s important to know what types of insects are a threat in the region you live in. A common dangerous arachnid found in the Midwest is the Brown Recluse. It’s essential for parents in certain areas, such as Missouri, to be aware of the basic signs of these deadly spiders. Because while they do not attack people unprovoked, they can cause severe tissue damage if they do bite. Commonly hiding in clothing and objects that fall onto the ground, these sneaky spiders can easily blend into surroundings. If you’re a concerned parent, pest control in Kansas City and surrounding midwestern areas can help prevent dangerous brown recluses from harming your kids.
- Fleas
We might think of fleas as being an insect that affects only our pets, but, in reality, fleas can pose a big danger to humans. Because fleas are often brought into living spaces from the outdoors by animals, they often go unnoticed until they’ve had a chance to breed and become a larger indoor problem. While the effects of these pesky creatures may merely be bothersome and frustrating in adults, in children the reactions to small flea bites can be more severe. Adults may be able to acknowledge flea bites and leave them alone, but children tend to scratch at the itchy red spots. When a wound is opened, bacteria easily enters the body and can cause an infection. To prevent these dangerous outcomes, make sure your pets are medicated or comb-checked for fleas regularly and treat your home quickly the moment you notice signs of a possible infestation.
- Bed Bugs
These sneaky critters are hard to spot and travel in droves. Bed bugs feed only on human or animal blood and often wait until their prey is asleep to bite. And unlike some dangerous insects, these miniscule, parasitic insects can be found almost anywhere across the globe. Often brought into a home on a pre-owned piece of furniture, luggage, or even clothing, bed bugs can go without feeding for months. While some people only have a mild reaction to bites from these insects, some people—particularly children—are prone to stronger allergic reactions. And because the bites itch so incessantly, children become susceptible to infections from scratching their wounds. If you notice signs of bed bugs in your home, contact your local pest control service immediately.
- Mosquitoes
One of the most commonly known pests is the mosquito. Although many adults shrug off mosquito bites as just part of growing up close to nature, in actuality these bites can be incredibly harmful to children. These small creatures are responsible for spreading some of the world’s most pandemic diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever. And recently in some of the southern states, mosquitoes have carried and spread the Zika Virus. Now more than ever, it is important for parents to monitor their kids around dusk when playing outside. Ensure bug spray is used regularly and consider purchasing mosquito nets for necessary occasions.