Whether you find that you have a constant cough that you are struggling to get rid of or you wheeze and feel out of breath regularly, it is important to be aware of the many conditions that could be affecting you and your lungs. This will help you get the treatment you need to cure or manage your condition and improve your quality of life for the future.

- Asthma
You are usually diagnosed with asthma in childhood or as a teenager. Asthma can cause you to endure asthma attacks, where you might struggle to breathe and have chest pain. These can prove to be fatal. Asthma is a condition where your airways can sometimes narrow, making it difficult to breathe normally. However, most people will be able to enjoy a normal life with the use of an inhaler. There are many different types of inhalers, though, and so it is important to book a doctor’s appointment so that you can be prescribed the right one for you.
- Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is many people’s greatest fear when their lungs start to show signs of a problem. Lung cancer is characterized by one or more tumors in the lungs. You might be more at risk of lung cancer if you smoke. However, anyone can get lung cancer. There are a few different types, including non-small-cell and small-cell. If you have non-small-cell lung cancer, you will only have tumors in one of your lungs. However, if you have small-cell cancer, it has spread. Lung cancer can be difficult to treat, with around 20% of people living more than five years after being diagnosed with lung cancer. If you are worried that you might have lung cancer, you should head to moffitt.org to find out more about the symptoms and what your next course of action should be.
COPD presents similarly to asthma. However, it is sometimes caused by damage to the lungs as well as simply chronic inflammation. Not only this, but most people who are diagnosed with COPD will be older people. Like asthma, this condition can be managed, but it often gets worse as you age. If you have COPD, you might be more prone to breathing difficulties and chest problems when you get ill, meaning that even colds can be worrisome for you. To prevent COPD, you should avoid or quit smoking, as this can damage your lungs irreparably.
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
If you have pulmonary fibrosis, your lungs will be so scarred that breathing becomes a chore, and this condition worsens over time. It is most common in older adults, and you might find that you notice symptoms that are unusual in lung conditions, such as clubbed fingers and weight loss. You should not panic if you have been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. To manage your symptoms, you should consider losing weight, eating a healthy diet, and trying oxygen therapy. Some people might also aim to get a lung transplant, although this can be difficult if you are over a certain age.