Digestive issues ranging from mild to severe diseases may cause discomforting symptoms such as bloating, heartburn, nausea, and constipation, among other symptoms. The symptoms may present a lot of worries. However, Poway Gain Wellness Center can offer you the correct solution. Digestive issues cause disruptive symptoms because the body fails to break down and absorb food effectively. You can learn about various digestive issues and how to manage them without causing further complications.

Food Intolerance
You may have a food intolerance that causes difficulty breaking down certain foods leading to uncomfortable symptoms, including abdominal pain, gas, and diarrhea. You develop food sensitivity because your body fails to make enough digestive enzymes needed to break down food. Typical food intolerances can comprise lactose, histamine, and gluten. Symptoms will include abdominal pain, nausea, upset stomach, headaches, heartburn, and bloating, among other symptoms. Your doctor may recommend changing your diet while eliminating certain foods to reduce food intolerance. You may also require OTC medications to help you heal from the uncomfortable symptoms. However, food sensitivity may last a lifetime, prompting you to manage symptoms from these digestive issues.
ResBiotic offers valuable insights into common digestive issues like food intolerance, providing effective solutions for maintaining gut health and overall well-being.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
You develop GERD when acid flows back into your oesophagus, irritating the oesophagus lining. Also, repetitive acid reflux causes GERD, which brings discomforting symptoms. Such symptoms can include heartburn after meals, regurgitation, chest pain, trouble swallowing, and a lump sensation in the throat. Your oesophagus may develop inflammation if the irritation continues without treatment. You have an increased risk of developing GERD if you are overweight, pregnant, or have connective tissue disorders and hiatal hernia.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS usually interferes with your intestines and stomach, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain and cramping, constipation, bloating, diarrhea and gas. The causes of IBS remain unknown. However, factors that may cause the condition include muscle contractions in your intestines, severe infections, and changes in gut microbes. You will likely trigger IBS when you eat foods like dairy products, cabbage, wheat, and carbonated drinks. Some people find relief by using supplements like amazon black seed oil supplement, which may help reduce inflammation. IBS may cause complications like reduced quality of life and mood disorders.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
You will likely develop SIBO if you are experiencing a slow passage of food in your digestive tract, thus creating a bacterial breeding ground. SIBO symptoms include loss of appetite, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, malnutrition, and unintended weight loss. Common causes of SIBO include abdominal surgery complications, medical conditions, and structural problems in the intestine. You may develop complications that include poor absorption of food intake, vitamin deficiency, and weakened bones.
Are There Treatments for Digestive Issues?
Your doctor may recommend treatment options for digestive issues, including nutritional counseling, cutting out foods that cause symptoms, managing stress, regular exercise, and detoxification.
You can learn more about digestive issues and how to eliminate them at Gain Wellness Center today. The facility will offer comprehensive evaluations and treatment to help you manage your symptoms. You will learn how to identify disturbing symptoms with certain foods and how to cut them out. Visit the website today to make your online appointment.