Physical therapy is quite a bit more common these days than it has been in earlier years. People are starting to realize the benefits that can come by visiting the Edmonton physiotherapy clinic. There are a lot more areas that a physical therapist is able to help with that most people do not know about. There are also some of the typical areas of help that people do know about but have not been taking advantage of. 4 areas in which physical therapy can help are: postpartum rehabilitation, vestibular rehabilitation, orthopedic physical therapy, and car accident injury therapy.

Postpartum Rehabilitation
It is a beautiful thing to bring a baby into the world. But that does not mean there aren’t any problems that come along with pregnancy/birth. Even in a case where the pregnancy and birth go smoothly, there is almost a 100% chance there are going to be hard things to deal with after any birth. Once you start to think you are figuring things out with a new baby, your body is going to disagree with you at some point or another. Luckily, there is postpartum rehabilitation that most people do not know much about. Postpartum rehabilitation goals include: maintain safe aerobic activity, improve core/hip/pelvic floor strength, education on safe body mechanics and positions, decrease risk of urine leakage due to strained pelvic floor muscles, return to pre-pregnancy level of function, and decrease low back pain. There are also ways you can improve mobility with home exercises.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vestibular rehabilitation is also the same as balance/dizziness rehabilitation. Vestibular is what controls your balance. It is located in the ear canal and close to the brain where sensory information is processed that helps control eye movements and balance. Vestibular disorder signs and symptoms may include: changes in hearing, dizziness and vertigo, cognitive and/or psychological changes, vision problems, imbalance, and special disorientation. Most of these symptoms can be resolved with vestibular rehabilitation at Rexburg sports medicine.
Orthopedic Physical Therapy
The orthopedic, or musculoskeletal system, includes muscles, tendons, bones, cartilage, ligaments, and joints in the body. An injury that includes these types of things are often due to trauma, overuse and/or accidents. The idea around orthopedic physical therapy is to help restore, develop, and maintain functional ability and movement. A physical therapist would provide treatment for the following areas: knee, pelvis, hip, thoracic, ankle and foot, shoulder, lumbar, wrist and hand, cervical, and elbow.
Car Accident Injury Therapy
If you have ever been in a car accident, the recovery may or may not be a long one. It can be a frustrating process if there are issues including insurance, lawyers, doctors, and healthcare. Just to know the fact that your physical therapist can be there to work through the whole process can be comforting. There are some commonly treated conditions that a lot of people are seen for after any type of car accident: memory and concentration loss, neck and pain stiffness, sleep disturbances, headaches, neurological symptoms, shoulder pain, concussion, dizziness, visual problems, and tinnitus.