This is a guest post in collaboration with Alycia Coloma.
Balancing your identity as a mom with who you are as an individual is something many women struggle with. It’s easy to take on the mom role and postpone your individuality for the sake of your family and the need to put your kids first. Even though you have good reasons for pushing yourself aside, you need to make sure that you don’t forget who you are when you’re not wearing your mom hat. Here are three tips to finding yourself as a mom.

1. Stay Healthy and Relax with CBDfx vape pens
When you prioritize being a mom before taking care of yourself, this is when problems begin to surface. You might find that you’ve gained weight, that your hygiene has suffered, and that you’re not sleeping as much as you should be because you’re taking so much care to make sure your children are happy and provided for. All of these indications of self-neglect are signs that it’s time to take a step back and reorganize how much time you’re dedicating to your kids rather than to yourself. A great way to prioritize yourself is to commit to staying active and healthy. Eat the right foods and get daily exercise so that you can be at your best. You might consider chilling out with CBDfx vape pens during your alone time as a way to kick off steam. All of these efforts will help your mental well-being, which will only make you a better mom at the end of the day.
2. Don’t Stop Doing the Things you Love
Many moms find themselves traveling down memory lane, wishing that they had followed their childhood dreams. It’s understandable that life as a mom takes priority over what can seem like everything else but honoring your goals and the things that light you up is just as important as taking care of your family. You can’t expect to be there for your kids with the kind of parenting and compassion you want to show them if you’re not showing the same level of love and respect to yourself. To find yourself as a mom, don’t stop doing the things that you love. Make time in your day dedicated to those things, and don’t feel afraid that you’re somehow losing sight of your motherly duties in the process. To be a great mom, you have to feel like a fulfilled person first. When your kids are napping or when they’re at school, or even after you’ve put them down for sleep, take time to focus on the things that matter just to you. The more you balance your identity as an individual and as a mom, the more well-rounded you’ll feel.
3. Put Yourself First
If your kids get up early for school and depend on you to make them breakfast, pack their lunches, and send them on their way, then get up an hour earlier so you can have 60 minutes of quiet time just drinking your coffee and thinking about the day ahead. You’re a human person who needs to think about who they are, separately from who you are with kids.
Sometimes, outside expectations can make you feel guilty for not doing everything you possibly can at all hours of the day to be there for your kids, but in reality, this is not how good parenting works. You need to show up for yourself just as much as you show up for your kids, and to do this, you need to set aside some private time that is just for you, alone. Wear Lingerie for yourself so you can feel beautiful and confident in your glorious femininity.
Finding yourself as a mom simply means remaining who you were before you became one. Keep both of these identities alive in equal measure so that you can be there for yourself and your kids the way you should be. To find yourself, find your balance.
Author Bio for Alycia C.
Alycia is blessed with four beautiful girls and enjoys DIY crafting with them in her free time. After receiving a Master’s in education from the University of Colorado, Alycia pursued a career as an educational consultant in order to help students and their parents plan for a better future. She’s a staunch advocate of continuing education, and believes that an insatiable hunger for knowledge is the key to better finances, a warm family, and an overall fulfilling life. Alycia finds it important to write about what she’s learned and express her opinions before a larger audience online. She leads by example, and teaches her readers that despite juggling four kids and a full time job as a single mom, it is possible to go back to school and achieve success. She enjoys finding new ways to work around tight budgets and offering tips for how to readjust and settle in a new situation—whether it’s collegiate life or a recent divorcée status. Her platform shares her wealth of information with the hope of empowering parents and students everywhere.