Losing someone at any age is hard. However, young children don’t yet understand the concept of death, and it can be difficult for them to grasp the idea that their loved one is no longer here. As a parent, it’s natural for you to want to protect your child from the finality of death, however, grief is a part of life, and rather than protect them from it, the best thing you should do is guide them through the loss process.

Here are some of the best tips to assist you in holding your child’s hand through the process of grieving a grandparent.
Explain What Death is
At first, your child may not understand that they’ll never see their grandparent again. If they’ve been visiting them in an assisted living facility for years, and it was a part of your routine, they may not understand why this part of your routine has abruptly stopped. It’s important to explain in terms that they understand that they will never see their grandparent again, at least not in this plane of existence.
You may choose to elaborate based on your personal religious beliefs, but the most important thing to explain is that they are gone. Trying to sugarcoat this fact too much, could leave them with false hopes, and only prolong the grieving process.
Encourage Emotions
There will be a wide range of emotions you experience throughout the grieving process, and also your child. One minute they may feel angry, and the next minute they may feel devastated. The most important thing you should do is encourage your child to “let it out”. If they’re feeling a certain way, let them express how they’re feeling either through words, or perhaps through crying, or even saying nothing at all. The idea is for them to express themselves and grieve at their own pace.
Share Memories
For many children, one of the most effective ways to heal is by sharing memories about the one that you’ve lost. Look at photos, talk about fun times together, and look at photos. Put photos up around the house if you want, and encourage your child to talk about special memories they experienced with their grandparents. The more you can keep these memories alive by talking about them, the more it will feel like the spirit of your lost loved one is still present. Reminiscing can be incredibly therapeutic, not only for your child but also for you. Remember, even though you’re focused on taking care of your child, you should also remember the importance of self-care. Yes, they lost their grandparents, but don’t forget that you also lost a parent! Look after yourself and your child, and you can both heal together.