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MIND Diet: Disease-Targeted Meal Plan
The acronym, Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, is quite a mouthful, and it is simply shorthand for a clinically researched diet used to prolong vital biological function. What it prescribes is a high density of the following foods –
- leafy greens (e.g. spinach, 6 servings/week)
- fish (1/wk)
- poultry (2-3/wk)
- berries (>2/wk)
- nuts (5/wk)
- red wine (1 glass/day)
- whole grains (>3/day)
- olive oil, while simultaneously minimizing intake of red meat, butter, cheese, fried food, and sweets.
MIND is the marriage of the DASH diet and the “Mediterranean Diet” — two meal plans that are regularly prescribed in clinical settings. The combination of these two cuisines has been reliably shown to stave off the precursors of lethal neurologic diseases such as:
- Global Cognitive Decline A study (Morris et al. 2015) of 960 participants of the Memory and Aging Project revealed that MIND significantly slowed cognitive decline across 5 domains; these could be the precursors of anything from Lewy Body Dementia to Parkinson’s Disease
- Alzheimer’s Disease A prospective study (Morris et al. 2015) of 923 participants revealed that adherence to the MIND diet was associated with significantly lower rates of Alzheimer’s Disease
Unfortunately, many claim that eating healthy and according to specific rules is just too hard. This is especially true for busy professionals. If you feel like you don’t have the time to prepare your own meals that follow these guidelines, consider a meal prep company that can deliver meals to your doorstep on a regular basis so all you have to do is eat. Multiple studies on meal prep have shown tremendous results and are highly promising.
Improve Microcirculation
Electromagnetic fields can be utilized to free up the circulation in the smallest blood vessels in the body, otherwise known as the body’s microcirculation. Clinical treatments that harness EMF, such as BEMER Light Therapy, serve to open up the capillaries that serve as the most direct nutrient supply to all of our major organ systems. The implications for treating and preventing disease are far-reaching. BEMER can be used to remedy acne, psoriasis, back pain, and even help mitigate some more serious maladies:
- BEMER Therapy and Cancer A German study (Storch et al. 2016) published in 2016 showed that cancer cells responded to an 8-minute BEMER treatment with significantly higher radiosensitization (vulnerability to damaging radiation such as radiotherapy) than control cells
- BEMER Therapy and Dermatitis BEMER light therapy has been shown to be instrumental in suppressing various forms of skin inflammation, including acne, psoriasis, and eczema
- BEMER Therapy and Diabetes Research (Ieran et al. 1990) has demonstrated that electromagnetic fields, similar to those produced by BEMER, can be useful in speeding up the healing process of ulcers and other traumas caused by diabetes
- BEMER Therapy and Multiple Sclerosis A 2009 study (Piatkowski et al. 2009) of 37 MS patients showed that BEMER electromagnetic therapy had a notably positive impact on fatigue levels
Bemer Therapy: The New Age of Age-Prevention Technology Now you can use BEMER to achieve:
- A 27% decrease in fatigue levels for MS sufferers.
- A 50% decrease in ulcers as a diabetes sufferer.
- A 456% decrease in melanoma tumor cell growth (Buckner et al. 2015).
- A 30-50% decrease in breast cancer tumor cell growth.
Facial Retraining
The notion that you could condition your facial expressions to be more attractive may sound unscientific, but it has been widely substantiated. In fact, facial retraining can magnify subtle facial cues on your face that convey greater attractiveness to others.
- A meta-study (D’souza et al. 2014) published in 2014 showed that a facial exercise regimen of 3 minutes per day over the course of 30 days can result in visibly apparent changes that reliably have others rate the subject as more attractive. Here is the routine breakdown:
- Maintaining a smile under muscular tension for 10 seconds at a time
- Maintaining a smile via finger pressure at the corners of the mouth for an additional 10 seconds
- Stretching the corners of the mouth under finger pressure for 10 seconds
- Relax and repeat for 3 minutes
- Other research (Dong et al. 1999) linked a practiced smile with assumed personality traits of warmth, calmness, and extroversion with a practiced smile.
The only downside is that the positive effects are typically only maintained for the duration that the individual undergoes a structured facial retraining regimen. However, certain treatments have been shown to be highly effective in the long-term when done along with a regiment like this. Platelet-rich Plasma or PRP Therapy has been shown to have tremendous results for multiple areas of the body, including facial skin. Several studies for PRP therapy have shown very promising results.
Bemer Therapy: The New Age of Age-Prevention Technology Now you can use BEMER to achieve:
- A 27% decrease in fatigue levels for MS sufferers.
- A 50% decrease in ulcers as a diabetes sufferer.
- A 456% decrease in melanoma tumor cell growth (Buckner et al. 2015).
- A 30-50% decrease in breast cancer tumor cell growth.
Social Media:
Facebook: What do you do to keep your body disease-ready? We bet you can do more… Twitter: Want to get ahead of what your DNA has in store for you? Science has your answers.