While numerous typical meals, beverages, and even certain mouthwashes can stain teeth, tooth stains can also develop as we grow older. Some home remedy techniques can assist in teeth whitening and avoiding things that discolor teeth can avert further discoloration.

You might be able to remove surface stains even on your own. Many at-home tooth-whitening tools and products could help to reduce stains. Even some conventional treatments are available for you to try. Mild bleach is used in tooth-whitening solutions seen on drugstore shelves to whiten stained teeth. Abrasives and chemicals are used by toothpastes to remove simple surface stains. You could require dental assistance for more severe stains, though.
Restore your dazzling smile by using these tips for whiter teeth.
The secrets of your perfectly white smile
Although dental consultation is a must when it comes to any treatments you are considering for your teeth, some of them can be harmless and done at home. Moreover, you will find that some tips presented in this article improve other areas of your lifestyle ‒ continue reading to learn how.
Whitening products
Stains on teeth can be removed with the aid of tooth-whitening strips. These undetectable, very tiny strips have a peroxide-based whitening cream applied to them. They are worn for around a week or more, a few minutes every day. Results become apparent within a few days and last for a long — sometimes even for a year. Although the effects of using these tools are not as striking as those from whitening kits or professional teeth whitening, they are simple to use and nearly flawless.
Some surface stains can be removed with over-the-counter stuff you can find in the nearest drugstore or supermarket:
- whitening toothpastes;
- mouthwashes and rinses;
- whitening gels.
Many of these include small amounts of chemicals, polishing agents, or light abrasives. Their main goal is to do a nice clean-up and not to actually bleach your enamel.
Some still like the time-tested DIY method of softly whitening teeth at home with a toothbrush soaked in a baking soda solution. Additionally, certain foods rich in acids can cause a lot of salivae to be produced, which aids in washing away food particles from your teeth. The process of chewing sugarless gum stimulates salivation while simultaneously cleaning the teeth. Saliva has the added benefit of neutralizing the acid that triggers dental problems. Producing more saliva is generally beneficial for teeth.
Professional whitening procedures
If you have several dental veneers, crowns, or bridges, proceed with teeth whitening with caution. These artificial components will stand out amid your newly whitened real teeth because bleach won’t lighten them. You might need to look into additional dental treatment to match your brighter teeth.
If you are not sure how to do it safely on your own, your best shot is to ask a dentist to do it. Besides, they usually offer a professional teeth whitening procedure that includes a thorough cleaning of the oral cavity and the whitening process itself.
Prevention is the best remedy
The tooth enamel’s outer layer erodes as we grow older. Dentin, the layer underneath, is a bit more yellow in color, making your teeth look more yellow with time. Because of this, it’s crucial to strive to prevent tooth stains in the first place.
The effects of teeth whitening can last for up to a year if you exercise caution when consuming meals and beverages that stain teeth. Maintaining your new smile is important since excessive tooth whitening can make your teeth appear transparent and blue, so not overstepping here is a decision as good as taking a fair amount of precautions.
Make a cigarette your worst enemy
Smoking is among the greatest causes whenever it comes to discoloring teeth, in addition to being overall harmful to your health. Brown stains from tobacco enter the pits and grooves of dental enamel. By just brushing, tobacco stains might be challenging to get rid of. The stains get more difficult to remove the longer you smoke. Additionally to causing foul breath and gingivitis, smoking raises your chance of developing most cancers.
Moreover, nicotine causes blood vessel problems, which might lead to your teeth not receiving enough nutrients through the dental canal. This way, even if you vape or use tobacco heating devices, the risk of getting dental problems remains significantly high.
You are what you eat
This is yet another additional justification for eating sensibly. Certain popular meals can stain teeth. Dentists claim that anything that can stain or discolor a white cotton T-shirt can also stain your teeth. For instance, coffee can do it, especially if you consume it on daily basis. Tea, dark-colored drinks like Coke and other fizzy drinks are a few more big offenders. As we age, these tooth stains deepen and become more obvious.
As for food products, anything too acidic or too alkaline can stain your teeth if consumed on a regular basis. Even apples can do it! That doesn’t mean you have to restrict your favorite fruits and meals, though.
The deep color of these fruits and veggies gives them their nutritional punch. But blueberries, blackberries, and beets leave their color on teeth as well.
Eat up for your health, and prevent tooth stains with these two well-known rules:
- brush your teeth right after eating;
- rinse your mouth after the meal.
As an alternative, you can floss between your teeth in addition to the actions mentioned above. This will help you get rid of tiny food particles that are stuck between your teeth and can potentially cause dental problems.
Sports drinks affect your teeth, too
A few research studies in dentistry found that while all sweetened beverages are hazardous for teeth, certain energy drinks and liquid dietary supplies for athletes could be even worse. Researchers discovered that these beverages can damage tooth enamel over time, causing its corrosion. Thin, transparent, and discolored teeth are the end consequence of consuming these drinks way too much.
Medication can affect teeth color as well
Certain drugs (in most cases, antibiotics) can cause the enamel to turn a bit yellowish according to this dentist in Keene. If you are prescribed something like that, you can contact your GP and ask if anything they prescribed can severely affect dental enamel.
Daily maintenance is the key
Brush your teeth, floss between them, use a mouthwash ‒ rinse and repeat. If you can keep up with good oral cavity hygiene, teeth stains won’t bother you for long years to come.
Regular checkups do wonders
Just like that, doing regular checkups at your dentist’s is also important. The best way to treat something unpleasant is to prevent it! Other common dental problems like caries can be a serious threat to the whiteness of your teeth, so visiting a dentist at least twice a year if you don’t feel any discomfort is actually a good idea.
Treating dental problems is always a must
If your dentist discovers a dental problem during the checkup, doing something about it is key to maintaining your perfect smile. Treat any dental pathologies first, and then try out whitening as a treat.