You know that it takes only a bit of face primer, a few layers of foundation and concealer, and your uneven tone patches will disappear. Although it looks obvious (and isn’t really flattering). Here are 10 natural ways to even out your skin tone as well as your pigmentation – without makeup!

1. Milk, Gram Flour, And Baking Soda
Goat’s milk PH is the closest to our own skin. This means that it makes our skin tones exceptionally even, by exfoliating dead skin cells. When combined with gram flour a baking soda (by mixing all the ingredients in a bowl), your skin will be naturally toned, firm and exfoliated.
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C Moisturizer is phenomenal for reducing the look of our skin tones, because it’s a tremendously powerful antioxidant. It’s also a great defense against free radical damage. It’s also a natural bleaching agent!
3. Yogurt Face Mask
Yogurt, aside from being delicious and full of nutritious probiotics, provides our skin with a radiant appearance. This is due to the natural bleaching agents that eliminate uneven pigmentation – and even scarring. Simply take one tablespoon of all-natural yogurt, mix it with a teaspoon of water, and apply it to your face and neck. Let remain for half an hour before washing off. Apply once a day.
4. Lemon Scrub
First, grab a half teaspoon of lemon juice. Add it to a tbsp. of granulated sugar. Now add a tsp. of coconut oil. Then mix all the ingredients in a bowl, apply it to your face and use it to gently scrub your face. Wash with lukewarm water after 10 minutes have passed. You want to use this because of the astringent properties of lemon juice, which gets rid of dark spots. Sugar is in an exfoliator while coconut oil hydrates and moisturizes your skin.
5. Niacin
Niacin is found in a lot of root vegetables (vitamin B3) and yeast. Along with helping even skin tone, it also gives our skin a firmer look. There are a lot of benefits of having more vitamin b3, such as: moisturises skin, improves cholesterol levels, and reduces the hardness of arteries.
6. Sugar Exfoliation
Sugar removes dead, scaly skin cells. You can prepare a homemade paste in minutes! Mix a quarter cup of sugar with a tiny amount of water, add a dash of olive oil and mix incredibly well. Rub the areas of your face where the pigment is damaged.
7. Turmeric Face Pack
First, grab a tsp. of turmeric. Add a 1/2 tsp. of lemon juice. Then take 2 tbsp. of plain yogurt and mix it all together in a bowl. Apply the mixture to your face. Let it dry. Wash. The lemon and yogurt combined lighten the tone of your skin; turmeric is a natural antioxidant and frees your skin of harmful radicals.
8. Kojic Acid
Do you want lightened skin? Get your hands on kojic acid. This is because kojic acid prevents melanin production, which is the primary pigment in our skin. However, sunlight and oxygen have been shown to react with kojic acid and should be used with caution.
9. Baking Soda Scrub
Baking soda’s natural exfoliating properties can be used to cleanse dry, peeling skin. Simply take a tsp. of baking soda and mix it with water to form a paste. Apply this paste to your face and massage it into your skin for 3 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.
10. Milk Powder Face Mask
Milk power has lactic acid, which brightens your face and hydrates your skin. Orange juice, because of its citric acid content, closes your pores and shines your skin. What you need is a tbsp. of juice and two tsp. of milk powder. Combine ingredients together and apply a thin layer to your face. Let it dry – then wash with warm water.
This infographic was created by Zapatat, tattoo removal service
Now you don’t have to shell out anymore money for beauty products that can add up. Simply repeat these forms of treatments 3-5 times a week, or as needed, to even out your skin tone. With Summer right around the corner, there’s no time to lose.