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When you’re trying to have a healthy body, it’s easy to get obsessed in looking at the changes digits on the scale. More often than not, people who want to live a healthier lifestyle will drastically change their diets so they can consume lesser foods during the day and engage in rigorous physical activities.

But how much you weigh doesn’t say anything about your body composition—changes in weight occur based on the time of day, thattime of the month, food and water intake, and many other factors. While maintaining a healthy weight is important, there’s so much more to wholesome living. In fact, weight shouldn’t be your only basis to determine whether you’re healthy or not.
Get off the scale, and try looking at more holistic ways to determine your health. Here are the ingenious measures for a healthy lifestyle:
Water is the essential macronutrient that we need for human life. According to studies, staying hydrated is also essential for our overall health and wellness. Water is vital to human health because it helps create saliva, regulates your body temperature, prevents constipation, and aids in digestion. Water can also protect your joints, tissues, and spinal cord, making it easier for you to move even as you age.
It’s a common misconception that everyone needs to drink eight glasses of water per day. There are a lot of factors go into how much water an individual needs to stay hydrated, like age, gender, activity level and climate.
It’s tough to keep track of water intake; use a water bottle with time markings. If plain water is too bland for you, infuse it with fruits or herbs for a natural flavor boost. This healthy alternative to soda or iced tea will sweeten up this new habit without the extra sugar.
If all else fails, go digital. If you have a smartphone, download a water-tracking app such as Water Your Body, or set hourly alarms reminding you to take a drink. Just like how you would use a sleep calculator to determine your sleeping hours, a water-tracking app can help you monitor your hydration.
Eating fruits and vegetables scores your major health points. For women ages 19 to 30, the daily recommendation is 2.5 cups of vegetables and two cups of fruit. You can use a measuring cup to make sure you’re getting your daily dose, but it isn’t always possible if you’re traveling or in a rush. So try following this rule of thumb for at least two meals a day: Make half your plate fruits and vegetables, and you’re golden. And snacks count, too. For example, a banana at breakfast, a salad or grilled veggies at lunch, and a cup of strawberries after dinner will do the trick.
Fruits and vegetables are great sources of several vitamins and minerals needed by your body to function properly. For one, fruits and vegetables are packed with dietary fiber that helps maintain a healthy gut and prevent digestion problems, such as constipation. Sticking to a diet that’s high in dietary fiber can also lessen your risk of bowel cancer.
What you need to remember is to always aim for balance, which is all about indulging in moderation and giving into cravings wisely. Think about it: The more you resist a craving, the more it builds up. It’s beneficial to have a healthy approach to treats, sweets, and alcohol. Denying yourself all “bad” things can lead to consuming bigger, unhealthier portions later on. So when you eat a smaller, healthier portion, you can kick the craving before it grows.
Experts recommend no more than 20 grams (5 teaspoons) of sugar and 1,150 milligrams (1/2 teaspoon) of salt each day, but according to Yale Health, the average American eats about 22 teaspoons of sugar a day.
Controlling cravings isn’t an easy feat but there are tricks that can make the process easier. For you to avoid consuming excessive amounts of sugar and salt every day, drink more water, eat more protein and distance yourself from cravings. You should also get more sleep as sleep deprivation is known to produce hormones that can increase your appetite.
Brushing your teeth can also help control your cravings. It offsets the remaining taste from the last meal, preventing you from overindulging eating another dessert or another dish serving. Make sure to brush 30 minutes after a meal to allow complete absorption of nutrients and avoid damaging your tooth enamel caused by the interaction of the food, enzymes, and toothpaste.
How thoughtful you are about your meal decisions is a fundamental way of gauging your health. When you’re less focused on tallying calories and more aware of managing portion size, using healthy cooking methods, and eating real (not overly processed) food, putting together a meal becomes less stressful. Generally, choosing home-cooked over store-bought meals is a tried-and-true health move. Because frying is the most common cooking method in America, a majority of restaurant meals are high in saturated fat. And if you do eat out, it’s still possible to be smart about what you order. Educating yourself to make wiser food choices is a big step for your health. You can also utilize supplements, like those that Activated You has to offer, and you may even be able to find an activated you coupon code to use and save some money on your purchase.
Aside from eating more home-cooked meals, looking for healthier alternatives to your foods and drinks can also help. If you want to drink something tasty and healthy, look for information on Earl Grey Tea Benefits: 12 Scientific Reasons Your Body Loves It and treat yourself to a cup. Teas are better options that drinking powdered juices, energy drinks, and sodas.
Studies show that more water encourages blood flow, which is a factor in a glowing, vibrant complexion. Water intake also promotes healing and decreases wound infection. Remember, pimples are essentially mini-infections. If water can help combat those, we’re totally in.
Moreover, when you start eating healthier, every part of your body reaps the benefits. Together with adequate water intake, your skin, hair, and nails are the most visible measurements of improvement, thanks to the medley of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in fruits and vegetables.
So what should we eat? From acne-fighting properties to reversing environmental damage, we call superfoods such as blueberries, tomatoes, and garlic “super” for a reason. These all contribute to your cosmetic health, proving that we really are what we eat.
To maintain glowing and healthy skin, you can also take food supplements, such as vitamin E and collagen supplements. Consult your dermatologist to ensure you’ll be given expert advice as to the dosage and dose of the supplement to fit your skin needs.
Taking care of your skin is actually important because your skin acts as a barrier that protects your organs from the germs and bacteria present in the environment. The healthier your skin is, the easier it’ll be for your body to fight off any illnesses and diseases.
Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and nutritious eating should be a part of your daily routine. Taking on these habits will benefit your mind and body. One way you can measure this is by monitoring how you handle certain stressors. Physical activity encourages a better stress response, thus, it’s ideal to exercise for at least thirty minutes a day, five days a week. You’ll start seeing improvements even as you achieve smaller fitness goals.
Also, sleeping with a weighted blanket from Dreamcloud will definitely make you feel well rested. Since sleep is directly correlated to mood and stress response, experts recommend seven to nine hours of shut-eye in an affordable non toxic mattress to reduce feelings of anxiety and unhappiness, because it is your body’s time to recharge, recover, and get ready for the next day.
Ever notice that lively, motivated post-workout feeling? There’s a reason for that. Aside from increasing blood circulation, physical activity induces mental sharpness by releasing a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor. As you exercise your body, your brain also gets a workout. Physical activity is crucial for getting enough sleep, which can also increase focus. And just like mood, your cognitive capacities depend on the recharging nature of adequate sleep.
In addition to exercise, your concentration levels will increase with better eating habits. From blueberries to salmon, the nutrients found in many superfoods are considered to have memory-boosting properties critical for cognitive development. In essence, an extra bowl of berries will bring you a step closer to your A game.
Also, people can improve focus and concentration by engaging in brain games or memory exercises, such as what Brainable and other reputable online brain game platforms offer. People can test their memory and cognitive abilities by playing brain games, including short-term memory, spatial skills, and logical reasoning. Sharpen your memory by playing puzzles, word games, and other educational games.
Now let’s be real: Urination and bowel movements are normal and necessary. So if you want to know what’s happening on the inside, look at what’s coming out. It might sound gross, but they’re also windows into our health. When your diet and health improve, you’ll notice changes in your liquid and solid waste. Healthy kidneys produce urine in a shade of yellow. The more water you drink, the clearer it is. Dark-yellow urine may be a sign of dehydration or a more serious condition. Cloudiness, unusual color, or strange odor might mean a urinary tract infection, kidney problems, or bladder issues.
As for the solid side? That holds all the information about your digestive system. When your gut bacteria are in its prime, bowel movements produce normal matter in a shade of brown. It’ll sink (not float) and won’t be too runny or too hard. Eating adequate fruits and veggies helps here: The fiber in fruits and vegetables is a major player in proper feces development.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults over 18 years should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep every night. If you are able to achieve this amount of sleep you lower your risk of several chronic medical conditions. Although, if you can’t, you may opt to try a 30-day sleep challenge that you can also incorporate in your sleep routine.
Moreover, your mattress can also affect the optimum number of hours that you can spend in your bed. Thus, having the right kind of bed can bring you a restful night, save you from exhaustion and prickliness all day.
So, it’s better to invest in a sleeping mattress with good support with the ability to treat a sore neck caused by a poor sleeping posture. Whether it’s latex vs. memory foam, it starts with a good research. Also, asking a sleep expert what is a weighted blanket may save you from sleep deprivation.
Physical activity is crucial in maintaining strong bones, reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes, and improving your mood.
If counting steps motivates you to move more than the thought of going to the gym, then great. You should enjoy whatever exercise you do. You can also incorporate some form of physical activity into your daily routine. Studies have found a link between exercising at least 30 minutes per day with a reduction in the risk of early death.
As for how many steps you should take, she said that the number varies depending on your level of physical activity, but a good sign is if the amount you take allows you to break a sweat.
As you can see, there are many ingenious measures to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Don’t underestimate the power of eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting enough rest. Make sure to also protect your mental health by socializing and playing brain games. Strengthen your immunity by taking supplements as needed or as advised by the physician.