How to Save Energy
Did an unexpectedly high electricity bill disrupt your monthly budget again? It can become challenging sticking to your monthly budget if you’re unable to estimate your utility expenses. It’s important to know since no one wants to be without electricity for any period of time. For most households, after rent or mortgage, the majority of the income is spent on utilities.

In this post, we’re sharing the common reasons for high electricity bills and the best ways to increase your energy savings.Take a look.
- Wastage in Consumption
Do you or your family forget to turn off lights and electronics when not in use? This might seem like a minor thing, but it’s a prime factor driving up your electricity bills.
Always turn off lights when leaving the room. Also, ensure your home heating is off when your away from the house.
- Vampire Appliances
Vampire appliances are appliances that continue to use energy just by being plugged in, even when not in use. Coffee machines, televisions, printers, gaming consoles are some common electronics consuming energy on standby mode.
You can either unplug such appliances every time after use or connect them to a power strip to shut them off at once.
- Overworked Heating Systems
An overworked HVAC system directly impacts on your electricity bills. Is your HVAC system failing to perform efficiently? In addition to regular servicing, it would be best to hire a technician to detect and fix any leaks. You can also reduce the workload by installing ceiling fans.
- Inadequate Insulation
Insulation is something which is easy to overlook but might be the key reason for energy loss. If your house is unable to retain energy, it will unnecessarily increase your energy requirements.
Get weather stripping for your doors and energy-efficient treatments for your windows. Apart from this, also ensure crawlspaces, attics and basements are properly insulated.
- Overpriced Energy Plan
One simple reason behind your high energy bills could be an overpriced energy plan. Do you feel like you’re paying more than you need to? It would be best to shop around and look for a better deal. To find a competitively priced residential electricity plan, explore plans offered by Integral Energy.
- Outdated Electronics
Outdated or damaged refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and other appliances utilise more power than required. If certain appliances are past their prime, it would be best to replace them with energy-efficient upgrades. While purchasing appliances, always check for high Energy Star ratings.
- Inefficient Light Bulbs
Like outdated appliances, incandescent bulbs are energy inefficient. Replace such lighting fixtures with LED lights. LEDs are not only highly energy-efficient but also quite durable. They don’t easily fuse because of minor voltage fluctuations.
- Underusing Appliances
Do you do your laundry in small batches? Because of this practice, you’re underutilising your washer’s capacity and wasting energy. It would be better to run your washer when you have a full load of clothes to wash. The same is applicable for your dishwasher.
- Heavy Dependence on Appliances
Do you always dry your clothes in your dryer? Line drying your clothes might seem old-fashioned, but it allows savings on your energy bills. It might be a time-consuming process, but it’s better for delicate clothes and also promotes energy conservation.
If you must use your dryer, use sustainable dryer balls to speed up the drying process.
- Faulty Power Meter
Have you taken every precaution, changed your energy plan, but your bills are still steep? These signs could be pointing towards a faulty power meter.
If you suspect your power meter to be defective, contact your energy supplier and ask them to inspect it.
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Final Words
Improving everyday consumption habits is not only beneficial for you but also necessary to help prevent rapidly progressing climate change, not to mention save you money. We hope our tips help you lower your energy bills and increase savings.