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Most of us want to lose fat and feel our best. Enter: CoolScupting. It uses crypolipolysis (cold therapy) advances in technology to get rid of approximately a quarter of fat layers. This modern technology gets rid of bulges of fat from targets areas, such as our abdomen, thighs and flanks. It is not a traditional fat-removal method, and is non-invasive. It does come with some prerequisites for ensuring the optimal effect, though. Here are 5 tips for improving your CoolSculpting results.

1. Relax
CoolSculpting, on average, is typically a comfortable treatment that won’t cause you any pain. The only form of discomfort is slight, and may stem from the pulling sensation of your skin. After the cooling process, the areas to be treated will feel numb – meaning you won’t feel a thing, like you don’t feel a thing after dentists numb your mouth. The technician then does his/her thing and gets you on your way. Technicians at the Bella Vi Med Spa use fat-freezing machines to help you get rid of fat and bulges that are unsightly and you don’t want. Typically, there will be a period of recovery which lasts between a few days to two weeks. Your body will be sore, but you will still able to function normally. Long, relaxing hot baths will help.
2. Massage Therapy
Following your CoolSculpting treatment, you will be treated to a post-treatment massage. This will contain vigorous kneading as well as a circular massage of the treated areas. Massaging these treated areas is crucial, as it helps to break down fat cells even more. You can also self-massage the treated areas from the comforts of your home. Doing so will also make the entire ordeal more comfortable with you, as regularly massaging and stretching decreases stress and “let’s your skin breathe.”
3. Exercise
Everybody alive knows the value of exercising daily. From a metabolism boost, to losing fat naturally, building and sculpting muscles, preventing degenerative bone diseases, optimising mental health, there’s a whole host of reasons to regularly exercise. Least of all because doing so increases the effects of CoolSculpting. This means performing 10-15 burpees a day, or going a step above and beyond what you can already do. Alternate between stretching and strength training.
4. Diet
Maintaining a well-balanced diet is key to maximising the results of your CoolSculpting. This means avoiding fried and heavily-processed foods, or those that are high in starch content. It’s also wise to avoid foods with more than 20g of sugar, which is a lot. Having CoolSculpting treatments doesn’t mean you can eat everything you want, otherwise your weight will fluctuate, and your results will backfire.
5. Patience
At the very least, you will start to see the fruit of your efforts around a month or so. Safe to say, CoolScupting is not a quick fix. You will truly begin to see optimal results in 2-3 months. Doctors will schedule you for review at 8-week intervals to see how your skin quality is improving. Luckily, any results you notice are permanent and there to stay.
CoolSculpting is not a “miracle cure” for losing weight. It is only a last resort, and any consideration for this process must be discussed with your doctor. Overall fat cannot be helped by any method of science other than exercising regularly to burn calories, which will reduce fat. CoolSculpting removes roughly 25% of fatty tissue from treated areas, which can be taken care of with performing daily exercise training regimens.