Mothers fill their whole time and dedicate their lives to their children the moment they give birth. There is no wonder why some women find it so difficult to keep up with the latest fashion trends or spend a day at the SPA when all the time they got is directed to their children. Yet finding a way to take better care of yourself is more like a necessity rather than an option. At a certain moment in your life, you’ll start realizing that completely ignoring yourself is not a solution. You may give your child all the attention in the world, while still finding a moment or two for yourself only. Time is indeed limited, but there are little opportunities you should take whenever you have the chance, such as visiting a mind body wellness center like Sunsimaya, where you can prioritize your well-being and indulge in self-care practices that promote physical, mental, and emotional health.
Get motivated first
Fashion might not be a priority for you when all the responsibilities gather together but remember how you felt when you gave yourself more credit. How about dedicating at least half an hour a day just for yourself. Paying more attention to your aspect, to the way you look, to the way you dress might instantly remind you how important and precious you are as a human being.
The fact that you love your children so much that you give your all to them already transforms you in a beautiful human being, but what if you’d be even happier than you are at the moment? Do you recall the small moments when you felt gorgeous because a dress fits you perfectly? Why not do that again? This article will help you organize your time so that you have time for guilty pleasures such as buying new clothes, getting your hair and nails done and other small details that will make motherhood even better than it already is. Keep reading to find out more.
A day off from being a mother
Most mothers fear to take such breaks because they consider such actions as egocentric. The fact that you want one single day off from being a superwoman won’t make you egocentric or selfish. You already know that you’re offering your very best to take care of your children. You wanting to spend a few hours with yourself and to relax is just a reward system that you should implement in your life. If you focus solely on your child needs and forget that you are a human being too, and you require breaks, you might end up being exhausted and not happy with the life you live.
There will always be friends and family willing to help you whenever you need, and they will surely understand that you want some hours for yourself only. Accept this free time and spend it as you desire. It can be a day at the SPA, as mentioned before. It can be a nice stroll in the park or a romantic date with your husband. You can simply go out with your best friends and catch up with them or have a meal at your favourite restaurant. No need to worry about your responsibilities, no need to stress over little details – just enjoy your moment and recharge your batteries. Once you are back home, you can resume your superwoman position and do what you are doing best – being a full-time mother.
Spending the money on yourself
You should understand the fact that you deserve to treat yourself better every now and then, even though that means you have to spend a little more money on it. Talking about fashion, won’t you like buying new clothes that fit you like a glove? Don’t worry about spending hours and hours at the mall. In order to buy what you like and save some time all at once, you only need a connection to the Internet and a phone/tablet/laptop. When you have a few minutes by yourself, dare to indulge yourself a little and do some online shopping. If you know your sizes, you will surely find some items that suit your tastes.
All you have to do is a search for some boutique brand names, add the pieces of clothing you like the most to your shopping cart and have them delivered at your place. Isn’t that easy? Won’t you feel great putting new clothes on? It will surely make you forget about all the daily stress you are putting up with and it will remind you how great it feels like to do something solely for yourself. It’s important not to feel bad about what you are doing and to understand that these spoils and all the pampering are things you need every now and then. Your life is 90 percent dedicated to your little ones, so use the remaining 10 percent to give yourself a break. You deserve it fully!