“Kindness Kingdom is the first board game from parent company Marvelously Well-Mannered; aimed at teaching young girls useful tips as they wander through the gemmed game path on the way to Queen Grace’s tea party. Proudly made in the USA, the board game is ideal for 2 to 4 players, for ages 5 and up. Not only do children develop social and emotional skills but thoughtfulness toward others. Once a winner is determined, players are requested to cheer on the remaining players until all youngsters reach the finish line, arriving at Queen Grace’s marvelous tea party. Subtle illustrations such as a princess seated in a wheelchair reinforce empathy, a much-needed skill for kids to combat teasing or worse, bullying.”
My girls are at the perfect age to really learn from this game! With a 6 year old and an 8 year old, my girls need to develop the social skills and manners that Kindness Kingdom helps teach. I can try to teach them empathy and thoughtfulness, and I do, but it is nice to have a fun little board game to introduce them to situations that they will likely encounter while growing up!
This game does require pretty good reading skills, so it was a little difficult for my 6 year old daughter to play. But I helped her out and both my girls had lots of fun. It is a girly game so it was very appealing to them….but that didn’t stop my 3 year old son from wanting to be involved. He may not be able to play the game, but he can certainly learn a few things from it while watching his sisters play!
- Excellent way to teach manners!
- Girls can have fun while they learn useful tips
- Great for tween girls
- Princesses, fairies, flowers, tea parties, etiquette & marvelous manners – what’s not to love?
Kindness Kingdom Game gets BRAGGING RIGHTS!!
One lucky readers is going to win their own Kindness Kingdom Game!!
How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry– Visit the Kindness Kingdom page and tell us something you saw or learned there.
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- 2 entries- Like Kindness Kingdom on Facebook.
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- 10 entries– Blog about this giveaway linking to this post. Leave a link to your post.
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You can enter this giveaway until June 28th @10:00 am MST. The winner will then be chosen at random, verified and contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to email us back and claim the prize, if prize is not claimed within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you agree to The Bragging Mommy Full Disclosure. You must be over the age of 18 and live in the Contiguous US to enter.