We are a family that loves playing games, so naturally 4 year old Bug loves playing games as well. He gets really excited when we get new games for him. I am always on the lookout for educational kids games. Not only do I want him to have fun playing, but I want him to learn from it. Educational Insights has a great selection of educational games for kids.
We were so lucky to receive 2 of them to review:
“Find the missing clothes—no peeking allowed! Help the animals get dressed! Reach inside the dryer and explore using only your sense of touch.
- Focuses on touch as game play encourages children to match picture
cards with articles of clothing they feel inside the dryer - Encourages tactile exploration, fine motor skills, and counting
- Builds vocabulary as students name animals and clothing
- Includes 11 pieces of doll–size clothing (washable), 30 game cards featuring full–color illustrations, and a fabric dryer measuring 8″L x 6.5″W x 10″H
- For 1–4 players
- Grades PreK+”
This is an adorable game. From the cute dryer to all the fun little items of clothing. As you choose a card, you then have to reach in the dryer and find the item that is on your card. Each card has a picture of an animal wearing a specific item. If you choose the correct item you get to keep your card. If you choose the wrong item then you have to put the card back on the bottom of the pile and your turn is over. Whoever has the most cards at the end wins, or you can set an amount for example: “First player to get 5 cards wins!”. Bug really enjoys this game and it is great for him to learn how to use his sense of touch to figure out which item is which.
“Keep your eyes peeled to save the day in this game of search and rescue!
- Challenges players to pay close attention to details, including shapes and
colors - Requires no reading to play
- Includes game board with 120 different alien faces, Alien Identification Device, 20 purple alien pieces, 4 rescue crafts in 4 colors, and Activity Guide
- For 2-4 players
- Grades Pre-K+”
This is an excellent game for teaching your child. They will learn colors as well as learning to find a specific alien on a board full of them. It is specific down to every detail, eyes, mouth, etc…The first player to find the alien and shouts “Space Face” gets to put an Alien on their ship. Once your ship is filled you win! This game really challenges my 4 year old and I love seeing how well he does and how much he has learned from playing.
I highly recommend these games. They are great fun for the whole family and your child will learn so much from them!
Check out all the Kids Games by visiting www.educationalinsights.com.
Laundry Jumble & Space Faces get Bragging Rights!
One lucky Bragging Mommy Reader will win Both the Laundry Jumble & Space Faces Games!
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You can enter this giveaway until October 12 @10:00 am MST. The winner will then be chosen at random, verified and contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to email us back and claim the prize, if prize is not claimed within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you agree to The Bragging Mommy Full Disclosure. You must be over the age of 18 and live in the Contiguous US to enter.